Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Warm Embrace Graphic
Personal Life

Love Is Love

No matter what someone says about someone or something in your life, if the person or thing makes you happy, and adds to your life, feel free to completely ignore whatever it was that the person said. Odds are the person saying it doesn’t understand the situation, doesn’t want to understand the situation, or is a hater/negative person anyway. I…

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Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Black and White Romantic Kiss Selfie
Personal Life

Body Consent?

Malia: We had sex last night when you were unconscious. MJ: Was I any good? Malia: Good enough. MJ: Cool. Malia: You consented. MJ: How could I if I was unconscious? Malia: Your body said you were ready. MJ: My body consented? You should be a lawyer babe. Malia: Your mind didn’t need to consent, because your body did. MJ:…

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Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Close Up Kiss Picture
Personal Life

“50 Shades of Terrible”…..right meow please

Malia: Take the “Mother fucking” hint MJ- Malia: “50 Shades of Terrible”…..right meow please MJ: Perfect timing! He just left. Malia: I just watched the movie. I’m in the mood. MJ: 50 Shades Preggo edition…..coming right up! Do you want to be James Bond and get the girl or what? –