Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Selfie at Krispy Kreme Donuts
Personal Life

Krispy Kreme Donut Run

Question: When your girl wants Krispy Kreme donuts because she has the preggo crazy cravings going on but she doesn’t want it to be her idea to make a donut run, do you claim it was your idea to make the donut run to make her feel better? Answer: ABSOFREAKINLUTELY YOU DO!!!

Senator Ted Cruz Birthday Wish Letter For American Hero Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Picture
Personal Life

Thank You Senator Ted Cruz and The Many Others Who Treated Us So Well This Week

Text of the letter from Senator Ted Cruz to Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: – Beginning of letter – UNITED STATES SENATORWASHINGTON, D.C. October 4, 2019 Dear Michael, It is a pleasure for Heidi and I to join your family and friends in wishing you a very happy 39th birthday! As birthdays are frequently a time of reflection on one’s…

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