Malia: Remember all of the people who told us our marriage wouldn’t last 6 months? MJ: I do, but I didn’t pay them much attention. Malia: Me either, but I got an email from one of our biggest marriage doubters/haters today. MJ: ……. Malia: I didn’t respond to their email. I really just wanted an excuse to post my favorite…
Tag: Malia and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Malia and MJ Ferris Wheel Video (Houston, Texas)
Request: Hey Malia and MJ. I have a request. Will you post the ferris wheel video of you and MJ together? You recommend a movie during the video and I want to watch that movie. I love you guys. Sorry about the movie delay. I will watch it whenever it is released. Your biggest fan- Kayla Owens Reply: Hi Kayla.…
“Your body is a one-night stand”
MJ can’t find his ipod, so I told him he could use mine. MJ The Terrible sings Malia’s playlists is very entertaining. Apparently John Mayer has been singing the wrong words all these years. John Mayer sings “Your body is a wonderland”. My husband MJ sings “Your body is a one-night stand”. I pretty much knew being with MJ was…
My Perfect Combination of Feisty Sexy and Cute
Malia was being super feisty playful this morning. She knew what she was doing! She looked at me with those big beautiful brown eyes, and batted her eyelashes all Betty Boop style, and I chased her into the bedroom. I got to the bedroom about 5 seconds after she did, and this is what I saw. (See picture attached to…
And the hits just keep right on coming…..
We bought a new house in April, and we have really enjoyed living there. That said, the house has been a death trap! In May I fell down the stairs trying to save my son Cash from falling town the stairs. I had several broken ribs, a tooth was knocked out, was knocked unconscious, and had to be rushed to…
The Letter I Wrote To My Future Father and Mother In Law
MJ: Remember this baby….. To My Future Father and Mother In Law, I felt compelled to write this. It is important to me that you know how I feel about your daughter, and what my plans are for the future. I love Malia more than anything in the world! She is the bedrock of my life, and the only person…
Baby Your Business Smells Like Cheetos
One of the first times Malia and I fooled around, I stopped what I was doing, looked up at her, and said- “Baby, your business smells like Cheetos”. She immediately said- “What? Get off me!”, and her legs closed up faster than fast. Then she stood up and backed away from the couch maybe 5 feet or so. She got…
Bush Family, Masters of Money Merger and Celebration!
Yes, it is true Masters of Money and “MJ The Terrible” & Team Digital Death are merging with the largest company in our collective industries. More details will be forthcoming in the days and weeks ahead. One quick note to all clients, partners, vendors, friends, followers, etc. We are not changing any past deals or arrangements. Deals made will be…
Kissing MJ The Terrible Nice
I showed MJ this kiss collage picture, and he said- “Thank you for kissing me nice.” The bottom picture was taken in 2012 when MJ was dealing with all of the Stuxnet computer virus fallout. The top picture was taken in 2017. I love to see you smile baby. I love it when I am the reason you are smiling.…
Meet the newest edition to our family, and the cutest little creature imaginable…….. Caroline Grace Johnson!
Meet the newest edition to our family, and the cutest little creature imaginable…….. Caroline Grace Johnson! Sweet Caroline decided to enter the world a couple of months early. I was telling Caroline that right now there is social distancing going on because of the Corona virus, but for her, social distancing from all boys/guys will continue forever. (Or at least…