How did MJ get the nickname “MJ The Terrible”? Lola Quintero Los Angeles, CA Brittany: MJ was talking with his doctor, and the doctor asked him about his son. MJ said his son was two years old. The doctor referenced the terrible twos. When the doctor was walking out of the room, he said, we’ll see you next time MJ…
Tag: Malia and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 4 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Warning: If you are not 18 years of age or older, do not read this post, because these quotes are definitely meant for adults only! “This sounds like a boner emergency. I need to put all my hands on your dick immediately.” Malia May Johnson “I am uncomfortably big as a house pregnant, and I know God is a man,…
Malia Gets Jealous of The Actress Playing Her in The Adventures of “MJ The Terrible” Movie
Note- The name of the actress referenced in the following text message conversation was removed for privacy/legal reasons. Malia: I am beside myself! I can’t eat. I can’t even fucking think clearly after seeing that movie star slut all over you! Malia: I can’t believe how she didn’t give a shit that I was standing right there! Malia: I thought…
Avatar To Real Life Love
MJ: You want some of this Johnson? Malia: Nope! MJ: You don’t? 🙁 Malia: I don’t want some! I want all! MJ: My avatar wants to bang your avatar. Malia: My real me personatar wants to bang the real you personatar. Let’s get together and have some sex. MJ: I would like your assurance I will be safe before I…
The Malia Cashes In On The MJ Rain Check
Malia: The Malia is interested in having the intercourse, with the MJ. MJ: The MJ is also interested in having the intercourse with the Malia. Malia: The Malia would like to cash in on the going down on her rain check the MJ offered her earlier this month. The Malia really enjoys the tongue of the MJ. MJ: The MJ…
Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 9
Anything Goes Q&A with Malia 9: 1. How old were you and MJ when you got married? Lilith Cohen Bronx, NY Malia: When MJ and I got married, I was 26 and MJ was 36. 2. How old are you and MJ right now? Tammie Green Newport News, Virginia Malia: I am 31 and MJ is 40. 3. What day,…
Woke Foreplay
MJ: Malia May Sexy Booty Beauty Johnson, my dick is woke! Malia: Do you know what woke means baby? MJ: I think so. Let me try to use it in a sentence. Malia May Sexy Booty Beauty Johnson, my dick is woke! Malia: This is the definition of Woke- alert to injustice in society, especially racism. MJ: Exactly! Malia: How…
What Happened When “MJ The Terrible” Cooked His Own Dinner
Malia: Hey baby. Where are you? MJ: I’m in my office working my love. Did you have fun shopping? Find any good deals? Malia: Yeah. I’ll show you when you get done working. Did you cook baby? MJ: Yeah. I made 2 Elvis sandwiches and scrambled eggs for dinner. Malia: Really? I’m impressed. MJ: Really! I did make my own…
MJ, I wrote this “Deep Poetry Feeling Shit” for you…..
MJ, I wrote this “Deep Poetry Feeling Shit” for you….. MJ is very loving and thoughtful. He gets me, and I know he always supports me and has my back. MJ is also a man, so sometimes the sensitivity of things gets removed from his words, but his intentions are always in the right place. I was telling him about…
A Picture and a Thousand Words about an Angel on Earth
I wanted to take a minute to send a love shout out to the beautiful loving angel in this picture. They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. Well, here are just some of the 1,000 words that I think most accurately describe the angel on earth in this picture. Smart, loving, caring, adorable, beautiful, alluring, appealing, charming, cute. dazzling,…