MJ: Baby I am drunk but I wan yoy to knlw I carry these thibgs around with me all the timer because I didn’t know the worst tine of my life wpuld turn out tp ne the best. Itd because of you Malia. I love yoy. Im sorry I smell lick alcohol and dont wsnt to kiss me tonight. I…
Tag: Love
“Husbandly duties”
Malia: MJ, even Superman has to rest. You slept at least 16 hours. You needed it! Malia: I did good things. Now I’m ready to do bad things to you. Men expect their wives to perform “wifely duties”, meaning sex, just because the man wants it. This is 2017. Women should be able to do the same thing. I am…
“Connected To The World”
Any guesses as to what finger Malia is holding up? Yep! It’s the middle one. MJ: Today I lied to her and did something behind her back, but instead of confessing, because I wanted to keep this a secret from her, for a good reason, I did the worst thing I could have possibly done, and got caught…..I lied! Malia,…
I Love My Cyber Bad Boy “MJ The Terrible”
Today was interesting from start to finish! Malia and I had the best day! We worked together all day on a marketing project, minus of course occasional breaks for eating and love making(WOW!). The morning was pretty quiet and we got a lot done. In the afternoon we did to, but there was an interesting twist. When you are “MJ…
The World Famous “Mother Fucker” Sex Post
The following post was inspired by the real life events that took place on December 30th, 2016, between myself, and the beautiful love of my life Malia, at our condo in downtown Austin, Texas. Only read this post if you are 18 years of age or older, and you can handle reading about probably the hottest, best sex of my…
What You Get When You Mix This Boy and This Girl Together
Malia: The dream of the boy, becomes the reality of the man. Baby, we got the build package in the mail today. They are starting on your Coyote race car. It will be ready when another little cute package is ready in about 9 months. You know how you like to have 2 of things? Yeah, good shooting cowboy. See…
Do you want to be James Bond and get the girl or what?
Malia, I am not be sure what day I asked you to marry me, because it was on the 11/29-11/30 line, but I know I did, and I know you said yes. As I write this post, I’m sitting on the couch at the end of the bed that you call some French sounding name I can’t remember the name…