Malia: Cash, Liz, Dubs and I strolled over to Starbucks this morning. Look what the gm made for you. You have your very own custom label now. I told him I thought you would like it. They put your new label on Dubs and I’s drinks today. Dubs picked up her drink, saw the MJ The Terrible label on it,…
Tag: Love
“I’ll Take You To The Candy Shop”
Malia: Hi “MJ The Terrible”. I am your biggest fan, and I have a request. Will you please come over to my apartment and make sweet sweet lovin to me, until we fall asleep in each others arms? MJ: I’m sorry maam, but I would never cheat on my wife. Not happenin! Malia: Can’t I at least tell you what…
I lied to you……
Malia: Baby, please don’t be mad at me when your phone is charged up and you read this. I am so in love with you!!! ——– Original Message ——–Subject: Re: I lied to you……Local Time: May 27, 2017 6:27 PMFrom: [email protected]: Malia Johnson <[email protected]> I’m really looking forward to tonight. I am on the way back to the base to pick…
I’m ready “MJ The Water Breaker”
Malia: Baby!! Did they or not? I love you! I hope they did. I love you one more time 2!! MJ: More! Boom!!!! I love you to MEC! Malia: Congratulations!!! What is MEC? MJ: I’m coming home to celebrate with you, in you, and on you, right now! Malia: Yes! Yes! Yes! What is MEC? MJ: Malia, Elizabeth, Cash Malia:…
“50 Shades of Terrible”…..right meow please
Malia: Take the “Mother fucking” hint MJ- Malia: “50 Shades of Terrible”…..right meow please MJ: Perfect timing! He just left. Malia: I just watched the movie. I’m in the mood. MJ: 50 Shades Preggo edition…..coming right up! Do you want to be James Bond and get the girl or what? –
Hand Signal Emoticons For Sex
MJ: How can I be the reason you smile today baby? Malia: Stop working insane hours, and actually sleep next to me the whole night. MJ: That sounds great. I’ll be up in 2. Malia: You make me smile a lot. MJ: I love to see you smile. Your beautiful smile has taken my breath away for more than 5…
To All of You Incredible Women Out There Who Saved A Man Like Me From Ruin
Malia, you not only made it easy for me to love again, but you made it to where I barely had to hurt at all during the transition! If you are one of those loving and loyal, stand by your man no matter what type of woman, kudos to you. You are the kind of woman that all men want…
Rocky The Terrible vs The Sexy Siberian Express
MJ: My only complaint is what AG said about the apartment. “The CJ apartment can be nice, but I would stop short of luxurious.” On the tour today, I missed the “can be nice” part. Maybe they just went straight to the luxurious part? Anyway, I do like the place, but I think this is the definition of luxurious, even…
An “MJ The Terrible” Electric Car?
MJ: An “MJ The Terrible” electric car? Baby, I know this was your idea. The other day Malia said- “I have a riddle for you. Let’s see if you can hack it “MJ The Malia’s Husband”. What is white, was picked by a black woman, supports green, and has your name all over it?” Baby, I was able to hack…
MJ Does Cosmo “Date Test” For Malia
Malia: Will you do a date test for me? MJ: Date test? Malia: I saw it in my Cosmo magazine, and I wanted to test “my man”. MJ: Ugh! Malia: Please? MJ: Is this something that if I mess up you are going to get upset about and make me sleep on the couch? Malia: I know you are at…