Question: Does everyone need to buy something from Masters of Money? Jessica Prince, Auckland New Zealand Answer: No. Masters of Money is a business and we do intend to make money….LOTS OF IT!!! That said, you may want to buy something from us. Why? Because every product we intend to sell was designed to provide way more in value then…
Tag: Business
Life Is Largely What You Make of It So…..
Long live the doers, dreamers, problem solvers, inventors, creative types, explorers, and all of the other incredible people that make this world a better place to live. For all that you have done, are doing, and will do in the future, we say thank you! If we saw what people with less skills and abilities than us have done, it…
3 Key Elements That Make An Ad Successful
When was the last time you bought a car? Did you really “need” a new car? I mean really “need” a new car? Chances are the one you were driving was still running when you bought the car you have now. Yep, Americans rarely buy because they need something. They buy because they want to experience the feeling that comes…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 43 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 43 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “Every day my daddy pway wiff me is da best day eva.” Elizabeth Grace Johnson (Malia and I’s oldest daughter) “Mr. Johnson, I can tell you would like to have your privacy while you stay with us. I imagine Mrs. Johnson’s stunning beauty is…
The Money Post (What Money Is and How To Make It)
In this post you are going to learn what money is, the rules of money, who is likely to have more money, how to make money and how it is possible to become a millionaire. “There are 2 ways to have more money. You can either cut back on expenses, or you can make more money, and option #2 is…
All Things Internet Marketing
All Things Internet Marketing: Never before in human history, has there been a more effective and efficient marketing platform, than the world wide web/the internet. If you are promoting a business, or a product, or an organization, or you’re trying to raise awareness for something that you believe in, the internet can be a game changer! “The answer to ranking…
10 Websites That Buy and Sell Internet Content
There are two major types of content. The two major types of content are evergreen content and topical content. 1. Evergreen content Evergreen content is content that is always relevant, much like the way evergreen trees retain their leaves year around. Interesting and relevant content that does not become dated is necessary in order to be found online by search…
The Best Way To Communicate Effectively (Precise Communication)
Just about everyone would agree that effective communication is a giant key to success. As far as professional communication is concerned, superior communication skills are necessary in today’s world, without which it is difficult to survive at work. One is expected, or instead required to get hold of more than a few basic skills, to develop good communication skills, with…
The Entrepreneur Quick Start Guide
The Entrepreneur Quick Start Guide Step One: Mindset Matters How important is mindset? Some would argue that this is the most important tool that an entrepreneur has at his or her disposal. That’s because no matter what kind of business you’re in, whether you succeed or not has nothing to do with luck, is not dependent upon the skills you…
Joe Kinlaw’s Superstar Sales Training Audio Book Disc 5 (Transcript)
Are you ready to learn how to close the sale? Let me make a few comments before we begin this section on closing the sale. Some of the authors out there, actually many of them; they say that if you’re unsuccessful during a close, if you don’t make the sale, well that’s not really a measure of your worth. Well,…