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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Tony Robbins Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Tony Robbins Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“Don’t let things happen to you. Go out into the world and happen to things.” Tony Robbins

“I don’t care. Overcome it. Doesn’t matter. Overcome it. Don’t wanna hear it. Overcome it. Obstacle in your way, overcome it. People have overcome worse. Overcome it. Whatever is in your way, overcome it. If you get out of your own way and focus on what you need to do and do it with all of you’ve got, you can overcome it!” Tony Robbins

“If you live your life afraid of offending people, you are not living a happy life. The closer you live to your authentic self, the happier you are likely to be.” Tony Robbins

“Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t speak the bad into your life.” Tony Robbins

“If you have the possibility of improving what you don’t like about your life, you are a lucky person. Build on that luck with action and things are going to happen baby. It will. I guarantee you that it will.” Tony Robbins

“Wanting more business and money and wanting to live a peaceful chill life are opposites. You have to pick. Choose one and do.” Tony Robbins

“The victim mindset is a vicious cycle of misery I wouldn’t wish on anyone.” Tony Robbins

“You may be in a place where you are scared shitless. We all have been there. But you can improve your scared shitless situation into an I can handle this shit mindset. Keep improving your shitty situation and before you know it you could be a place where you are the shit, and you run shit.” Tony Robbins

“Okay, I’m here MJ. Tell me about how a brilliant decorated American hero millionaire entrepreneur with an amazing family and great friends has it bad. Go ahead.” Tony Robbins

“You can’t control what other people do. All you can control is what you do and what you are willing to accept from others.” Tony Robbins

“Our beliefs, perceptions emotions and thoughts create our world. The story we tell ourselves determines our happiness and contentment in life.” Tony Robbins

“A healthier mindset to have is to want more for yourself, not less for others.” Tony Robbins

“Facts are facts. Emotions change hourly.” Tony Robbins

“We are living in the most epic of epic times, and I wouldn’t want to be alive at any other time in history.” Tony Robbins

“If the reality of your life is not what you want, start making the necessary changes. It’s that simple. It’s that fucking simple, but you have to want to make the changes.” Tony Robbins

“What stresses you controls you.” Tony Robbins

“Haters are gonna hate, but haters are not gonna great.” Tony Robbins

“The most expensive thing you can give someone is your time.” Tony Robbins

“You can’t predict the future, but you can prepare for it.” Tony Robbins

“Be the best version of yourself for yourself.” Tony Robbins

“The only winning in certain situations is learning, otherwise known as experience.” Tony Robbins

“Hate is a powerful emotion. Don’t act on it, channel it and use it as fuel to accomplish your goals.” Tony Robbins

“There is always something you can do. Don’t stay down.” Tony Robbins

“Google sub-Saharan Africa. Click images. Look at the poverty and starvation. Think about how lucky you are to be who you are, where you are, with the solvable challenges you have. Now with your new properly set perspective, go tackle your challenges.” Tony Robbins

“How something is said is just as important as what is said. To communicate effectively, think about what you say before you say it, and when you say it.” Tony Robbins

“Go where the answers are.” Tony Robbins

“Problems develop character. Big problems develop big character.” Tony Robbins

“The longer you wait to course correct when things go wrong, the longer it will take to get back on the right track.” Tony Robbins

“Prepare yourself to be ahead of the game.” Tony Robbins

“Best life requires best effort. Put in your best to get the best out.” Tony Robbins

“The higher you move up, the more moving pieces and parts around you, you have to deal with. We will be planning out how we are going to make 2024 bigger, badder better soon. Let’s keep the upward trajectory going.” Tony Robbins

“The more tightly focused and targeted your focus and effort is, the greater your results.” Tony Robbins

“You can be the best at what you do, but if you let the wrong people into your life, you will not reach the level of success that you could, and/or they will bring you down and cause you to fail. To achieve maximum success, avoid agents of chaos at all cost!” Tony Robbins

“When you are on a roll, keep rolling!” Tony Robbins

“Once you lose your imagination life just isn’t as much fun.” Tony Robbins

“Uplifters need to be uplifted. What, did you think uplifters are permanently uplifted themselves? I don’t think so. We’re all human MJ.” Tony Robbins

“The reason so few people succeed, is that so many people give up.” Tony Robbins

“I don’t know the exact path I am going to need to take to get to where I want to go, but I know that I will get there. Why? Because I can’t accept anything less. I refuse to accept anything less. I will make it fucking happen and that’s that.” Tony Robbins

“You gotta go through shit to be the shit.” Tony Robbins

“You have to have successes to achieve results. They don’t always have to be these huge successes. Big successes are great, but do not discount small successes. Small successes add up.” Tony Robbins

“Believe in your dream. Don’t let anyone deter you from it.” Tony Robbins

“Do what it takes to be great. Excellence is admirable. Excellence is respectable. Excellence is exceptional.” Tony Robbins

“Have the courage of your own convictions.” Tony Robbins

“There is only one Tony Robbins, but I will give you that one because what you are doing is likely to help people better their lives.” Tony Robbins

“You are your biggest factor for success or failure. Only you can answer the question of what you are willing to accept.” Tony Robbins

“Don’t wait to start. Don’t quit after you start. Don’t do stupid shit that will set you back. Don’t stop until you hit your mark.” Tony Robbins

“Problems are what make us grow.” Tony Robbins

“Your mindset should permanently be, I am going to George Washington this thing. George Washington was whatever he needed to be, and he did whatever he needed to do. When you have the I will adapt and overcome when I need to attitude and mentality, the world is your oyster.” Tony Robbins

“Stress and difficulty are a part of life. Life is tough, and toughening up requires doing hard shit and going through hard shit. Embrace it, get through it, and you will be a better tougher person.” Tony Robbins

“Bad things happen to make you stronger and better.” Tony Robbins

“Perfection doesn’t exist. Being in the zone is as good as it gets.” Tony Robbins

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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