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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Kanye West Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Kanye West Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“If I can’t learn to live with it, I’ll live to make the changes to it until I can live with it.” Ben Dupont “You can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride, said people who have been through shit.” Kanye West

“Why am I anti haters? I’m anti haters because haters try to keep people in a box. Haters hate just to hate. Haters stand for nothing. How could any positive person be for haters when haters hate? I’m for the anti-haters. That’s what’s up. You feel me?” Kanye West

“I believe in free speech but don’t ever call me the n word. And for damn sure don’t say shit about Jews. They will fuck your shit up and shut your shit down.” Kanye West

“I consider myself lucky, not because my life is perfect, but because I have enough food to eat, a roof over my head, and people who care about me.” Kanye West

“Everyone is not out to get me, but everyone is out to get something.” Kanye West

“Black this, black that, Black Lives Matter, Black history month, isn’t about black lives being more important than other lives. It’s about black positivity. It’s about positive reinforcement. It’s about a race moving forward in a positive way after 400 years living as three-fifths of a person. We live in the United States of America. We need to be united. To be united, we have to heal from the wounds and injustices of the past.” Kanye West

“Most of the music I publish is about money and skeezers, because money and skeezers are what they are. Public conversation. Good women are rare and precious. What you do for them they themselves deserve exclusively. It is not for everybody. My acts of love for Bianca are only for her and no one else. She deserves that.” Kanye West

“Desperate people are dangerous to interact with. Avoid them at all costs and stay on high alert if you have to be around them.” Kanye West

“I hit them with the truth and now they asses shufflin.” Kanye West

“Trump’s my nigga. Orange man good!” Kanye West

“People be fornicating out there. You don’t know who got the bootypox. You gotta be careful. No skezers.” Kanye West

“To get from here to there, you have to do something. Get on that shit brahman.” Kanye West

“I am sick of nosey ass people. I am not nosey on them. They need to mind they own business and stay in they own lane.” Kanye West

“I got mad love for Trump. I hope he don’t get fucked in the end.” Kanye West

“If you a billionaire who wants to be a millionaire, talk ish about the small hats. They don’t play.” Kanye West

“I don’t self-snitch and I don’t snitch on others. My only words are I want my attorney. It is the only move if you get jammed up. Good people, innocent people, get jammed up all the time. Police don’t care. They will convict innocent people. Mouth shut and attorney. Know that and do that if you get falsely fucked with by the cops.” Kanye West

“I just live my life. I ain’t perfect. I just do me and mine. If haters wanna hate on me, let them waste their time while I rise up and make me and mines life better.” Kanye West

“Whatever. Stop the cap. Do haters even know the difference between the truth and a lie?” Kanye West

“That is being drunk with government daddy’s power right there.” Kanye West

“Winners have haters. Let the haters hate while you keep on winning.” Kanye West

“I have found the best way to drowned out hater bull shit is to stay focused on my grind.” Kanye West

“Now is your opportunity to change, unfuck, fix, build, and do whatever else you want to change your life. Pity parties lead to poverty. Productive actions get you there. You feel me?” Kanye West

“Not all stories have to be Disney movie worthy to be worth telling.” Kanye West

“I’m not stressing about it. If I stress about it, I will die from a heart attack. If WW3 pops off I die in a mushroom cloud. If I don’t stress and WW3 don’t break out, I’m good.” Kanye West

“There is never any good news on the news. The news makes my black ass want to drink.” Kanye West

“Whatever you are going through, somebody has been through worse. Improve your shit and get back at it. That’s my advice.” Kanye West

“There is good and bad in everyone’s life. There is also a grey area in between good and bad, which is where I think most of our lives happen. A lot of life is how we look at things. Do you follow what I’m saying? Perspective man. One of the keys to life right there. That’s what’s up.” Kanye West

“People always callin me crazy because they don’t understand me. I have to hang out with you to know I ain’t crazy. Genius see genius MJ.” Kanye West

“When somebody’s backs against the wall, that’s when you get to see who they really are.” Kanye West

“A shoutout to everybody that is trying right now. To everybody that is trying to do the right thing. To everybody that is trying to stay strong. To everybody that is trying to hold on. To everybody that is trying to make the world and their world a better place. To everybody that is trying to be there for their family and others. To everybody that is trying to find their way in this life.” Kanye West

“If little old lady Rosa Parks can change the world with all of the disadvantages she faced, I don’t see why I can’t.” Kanye West

“I don’t mind being disliked, but the fuckers that don’t like me respect me. I know that.” Kanye West

“If home girl didn’t break shit, ruin shit, and the cops weren’t called, bygones can be bygones.” Kanye West

“I can’t do it. Giving up is not in this nigga right here. What it takes is what I do. Can I get an amen?” Kanye West

“The lyrics from two songs answer this question. “Don’t save her, she don’t wanna be saved,” and “Do like Sexy Leroy, and leave the bitch alone.” Kanye West

“Money is about to not exist. “It’s all about the Benjamin’s baby” 2.0 will be, “It’s all about the crypto baby.” Kanye West

“You sing the N word in rap songs? I’m not even offended because I know you have love in your heart for all. You mean it in a positive way. It ain’t wigger fake, and it ain’t meant in hate. Rap on with your bad self MJ The Terrible!” Kanye West

“You gotta know when to be the man and when to be the bigger man. For women, put a wo in front of man. You feel me?” Kanye West

“You can have it all, but you can’t have it all at once my man.” Kanye West

“Get busy living and don’t die until you have lived the shit out of this life. YOLO to the max bra!” Kanye West

“G- damn! Not only do they ignore evidence, cheat, ignore the oaths they have taken, throw ethics and civil rights out the window, and do it blatantly, but they do it with such scorn. They need some Martin Luther King kumbaya shit up in they world. Oh wait, MLK had a penis, and they are penis haters. Switch out the MLK reference with Rosa Parks.” Kanye West

“You know that voice in your head that tells you something is off? That voice is my new best friend. From here until my heart stops pumping, when that voice inside of my head tells me something is off, I ain’t doing shit until that feeling goes away.” Kanye West

“If you are sane in a crazy world, the world feels like a crazy place. If you are crazy in a crazy world, it probably feels normal. Perspective.” Kanye West

“If you are a person that cannot be manipulated, you are a dangerous person. You are a powerful person.” Kanye West

“I think you should be as George Washington as you can without the racism. Our inner George wants us to build and be free.” Kanye West

“During hard financial times, people get desperate and resort to financial traps. You gotta be careful out here.” Kanye West

“Just keep doing you and let the haters be mad, because there is nothing they can really do. Ignore them! Giving them any attention whatsoever is a complete waste of your time.” Kanye West

“Purpose and grind keep you moving the right way down the line. Staying focused. Being consistent. Making it happen. That’s how people get what they want.” Kanye West

“If nothing is ever good enough, I am going my own way. If I am damned if I do and damned if I don’t, I am going my own way. What’s it going to be?” Kanye West

“Long term gains are built on short term pains. Sacrifice if you want success. Ain’t nothing in life free homie.” Kanye West

“People always laugh about ish until it happens to them.” Kanye West

“Creativity is different from delusion. Creativity is opening up your mind to the possible. Delusion is a coping method for reality avoiders.” Kanye West

“Oh yeah. Bigger talker. I’ll be giving that ninja a shout down later.” Kanye West

“Your silence destroys the narcissist. They need your reaction. Without it they lose it. Yeah man. There’s levels to this shit.” Kanye West

“Let mother fuckers know if they come at you, you are going to make them own who they. Most haters ain’t much. They fuck around and they gonna find out.” Kanye West

“You don’t have to directly diss me with your words. You can diss me with your dishonesty. Same thing. If you a disser, I am a dissmisser.” Kanye West

“If I am damned if I do, and damned if I don’t, expect me to don’t.” Kanye West

“What you don’t know can hurt you. So, stay learned up and watch your back.” Kanye West

“I’m livin the dream baby. I’m postin the meme baby. I’m makin’em scream baby. I’m just me baby. I’m just Ye baby. What’s good MJT?” Kanye West

“Cyber ballers atm is the whole world man. Ball out cyber ballers.” Kanye West

“Because that’s what it is, and you can ask is. Unless you is to lazy or stupid.” Kanye West

“Success gets attention, good and bad. If you gonna be successful, you need a good lawyer. If you are successful, you need a good lawyer.” Kanye West

“Haters have to lie, cheat, and collude because they can’t do what you can do, and they don’t want you to be able to do what they can’t.” Kanye West

“Wind it up. Grind it out. Get it y’all!” Kanye West

“Haters, all you will be is less than me, so let it be.” Kanye West

“I stand alone. I walk alone. I am me. I only need me. I am a one-man warrior.” Kanye West

“Haters, attacking me will have the opposite effect that you think it will have.” Kanye West

“Short term in my life gets you short money. Long term in my life gets you long money. My rule is, you benefit me, and I benefit you.” Kanye West

“Be like the moon for these haters, unreachable.” Kanye West

“You wrong as fuck man. I’m older. I’m wiser. And I’m on fire.” Kanye West

“Karma has handed me too much bad luck, so I am making my own luck from here on out.” Kanye West

“I know words man. My words are decisive, dogged, tenacious, unfaltering, unflinching, unwavering, and unfuckingstopable!” Kanye West

‘Now that’s cyber gangsta right there bruh.” Kanye West

Former President Donald Trump Tribute –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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