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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Joel Osteen Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Joel Osteen Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“Hey MJ, in case you were going to ask, I still didn’t steal the title for my book “Rule Your Day” from your “Rule Your World” blog.” Joel Osteen

“Victoria and Malia are two great wives and mothers. We must have done something that pleased God for him to bring them into our lives. To that, I say, praise the Lord.” Joel Osteen

“God is all powerful. He is the only force capable of restoring humanity. We need God MJ.” Joel Osteen

“The longer it takes, the better it will be.” Joel Osteen

“The Bible says in Isiah 57:21, “There is no peace for the wicked.” Haters may cause others’ problems, but their lives are miserable. Don’t waste your time with haters. Use your time living your best life.” Joel Osteen

“What a terrible thing. I can only pray this unthinkable tragedy brings us closer together as a church family.” Joel Osteen

“The devil wants us to be miserable. The devil wants to control us. The devil wants to take our peace. We’ve got some bad news for you devil. We are children of the most high God. We don’t have to be miserable. You can’t control us. And you can’t take our peace.” Joel Osteen

“Adversity produces blessing that you can’t see yet.” Joel Osteen

“2,000 years ago, Jesus was publicly crucified. 200 years ago, there were public hangings. Our modern world has its problems, but the people of today’s world are probably no better or worse than they were 200 or 2,000 years ago. Have faith in God. Believe in him and everything else will work out according to his plan.” Joel Osteen

“Keep showing why every child needs a father, earthly and heavenly.” Joel Osteen

“Sometimes we have to pass the test to prove we have what it takes to handle what God has instore for us.” Joel Osteen

“People are limited. God is unlimited.” Joel Osteen

“Michael, of course I can cook. This is 2023. Husbands can cook. I don’t cook because Victoria is better at it, but I could if she didn’t, restaurants stopped delivering food, and I was using a microwave.” Joel Osteen

“Don’t lower your expectations. God can open any door. With God, all things are possible.” Joel Osteen

“Be willing to learn. Be open to new things. Be good to those who are good to you. Be kind to others. Be the best you that you can be. Be above pettiness. Be fair to others. Be a positive influence. Be a force for good. Be yourself. Be there for the people you care about. Be those things, and you will be living your best life.” Joel Osteen

“You don’t need to have great talent to do something great.” Joel Osteen

“I am a nonviolent person. The only killing I want to do is killing my negative attitude when I have one.” Joel Osteen

“The only violence I want to commit is killing the stress in my life.” Joel Osteen

“No man, nor all men, can stop God’s will. All things are possible through God.” Joel Osteen

“God has the answers. God has your back. You do the natural. God will do the supernatural.” Joel Osteen

“Money is fine as long as it isn’t motivated by greed alone.” Joel Osteen

“Don’t give up. You can move from stressed to blessed.” Joel Osteen

“Money can solve many problems, but not all. The problems money cannot solve often involve the people and relationships we value most.” Joel Osteen

“You can’t control the whole world, but you can control your atmosphere.” Joel Osteen

“You can’t buy your way into Heaven. That’s not the way.” Joel Osteen

“You are more than a big mistake you made. Don’t define your life on that mistake. Don’t fall for that limiting belief.” Joel Osteen

“By making each day count consistency, cumulatively your days of effort can add up to make a big impact over time.” Joel Osteen

“Haters want to stop you early on in your journey, because they don’t want to see you get where you’re going.” Joel Osteen

“When you have Jesus, you have all you need. Believe and pray, and everything will be okay.” Joel Osteen

“It might feel like you are carrying the weight of the world around on your shoulders right now, but don’t give up or give in. Make the decision that you are going to do whatever you have got to do to achieve your objective, no matter who or what stands in your way. Through the power of almighty God, the father, each of us are destined for greatness.” Joel Osteen  

“Sunday is not the only day we need to be praying and praising God. Every day that ends in y are praying and praising God days. MJ The Terrible….praise the Lord. Let’s talk soon my friend.” Joel Osteen

“You don’t have to accept others labels. You define you for you.” Joel Osteen

“I can’t turn water into wine, but I can take life lessons and turn them into life blessings.” Joel Osteen

“Nothing feels better than feeling good.” Joel Osteen

“It is much better to wait and let God do it his way.” Joel Osteen

“If we were alive in biblical times, we would have one name and then it would be of and then city, or of and then son of whatever profession our father worked in. I would have been Joel of Houston or Joel Son of A Preacher.” Joel Osteen

“Haters are not the ultimate authority. Haters are roadblocks that try to keep you from getting to the ultimate authority.” Joel Osteen

“You are never too old to learn.” Joel Osteen

“Help the hurting. Be a lifter. Lift people up.” Joel Osteen

“Erase them and replace them.” Joel Osteen

“Don’t just go through it. Go through it and learn and grow through it.” Joel Osteen

“Praise instead of complaining.” Joel Osteen

“Nowhere in the bible does it say it is easy to be a Christian. However, the bible does mention more benefits to living a Christian life than I can remember.” Joel Osteen

“To many people live in darkness because they don’t know God. To know God is to know peace.” Joel Osteen

“Walk closer to God to get away from the devil.” Joel Osteen

“If I could get a spiritual restraining order against the Devil for our congregation I would. Just tell me how.” Joel Osteen

“When God is for you all the armies of the world cannot stand against you.” Joel Osteen

“You may not know the how but keep going. You will figure it out as you go.” Pastor Joel Osteen

“Be a David, not a Saul.” Joel Osteen

“The forces that are for you are stronger than the forces that are against you.” Pastor Joel Osteen

“Don’t take the easy way out. Run towards your problems. Confront what you have been ignoring.” Joel Osteen

“The key takeaway is, come to church. You never know. You never know. You could find 600,000 in the bathroom.” Joel Osteen

“I know my true north. It guides me each and every day.” Pastor Joel Osteen

“The only violence I want to commit is killing the stress in my life.” Joel Osteen

“100% fairness, 100% equality, 100% freedom. 100% is rarely if ever achievable. What is achievable is to jolt people into consciousness about the problems in this world. It can do a lot of good.” Joel Osteen

“Don’t give up. You can move from stressed to blessed.” Joel Osteen

“Don’t live limited. Live blessed. Live your purpose. Live your destiny.” Joel Osteen

“Every blessing has it’s little perks.” Joel Osteen

“I call those great moments in life, destiny moments.” Joel Osteen

“I write books from my heart. I cry, I pray, I go through a cycle of emotions while I am writing. My #1 focus with all my books is to touch the lives of the readers in a positive way. I hope everyone who reads one of my books walks away from it feeling a little bit better about themselves and their lives.” Joel Osteen

“It’s time to stop running. Confronting our fears. As long as we are running and avoiding our fears, we will never achieve are destiny.” Joel Osteen

“The best directions are to take the high road and the road less traveled. Taking the high road keeps you on the right track and there is very little traffic on the road less traveled.” Joel Osteen

“God give me the strength to stay strong no matter what I may face in this uncertain world of ours.” Joel Osteen

“Evil is the Devil without the D.” Joel Osteen

“Deception and lies are powerful weapons that can be used against us. We have to stay vigilant.” Joel Osteen

“God can turn mountains into mole hills. Praise God and thank God he is our heavenly father.” Joel Osteen

“God is like ultimate A.I.” Joel Osteen

“We are in this world, but we don’t have to be of this world. Live with purpose to build God’s kingdom on earth.” Joel Osteen

“I emailed you a link with my newest message on encouragement. Stay encouraged. Stay on your purpose. God Bless you.” Joel Osteen

“Stop blocking your blessings by sabotaging yourself.” Joel Osteen

“Faith is like insurance, you don’t want to be without it.” Joel Osteen

“Godless societies fail. It is what it is Michael.” Pastor Joel Osteen

“Having a great spouse is one of the best gifts of life.” Joel Osteen

“Don’t avoid problems. Meet them and beat them, more than once if you have to.” Joel Osteen

150 Short Motivational Videos From Michael Jordan, Warren Buffett, Jay-Z, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Will Smith, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Sylvester Stallone, Eminem, Shia Labeouf, Steve Harvey, Joel Osteen, and more! –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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