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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Jeanne Johnson Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Jeanne P. Johnson Quotes Edition Photo Collage

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Jeanne Johnson Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“Laziness is not a mental health disorder. You don’t need pills for laziness. You need to get off your butt and do something productive. Trust me. The laziness goes away.” Jeanne Johnson

“People in the know know.” Jeanne Johnson

“Your father and I are eating healthier. We at least want to live long enough to see our grandbabies graduate from high school.” Jeanne Johnson

“My cousin is 93 years old. His initials are so optimistic. Ulis Partin, UP.” Jeanne Johnson

“I loved it when you flew up to see me. I have never felt more special.” Jeanne Johnson

“If you want to really piss your haters off, take all of their bull shit in stride, and keep right on going.” Marcus Jennings “Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. You haven’t learned it. Stupidity is having the and not using it.” Jeanne Johnson

“There is a hole in my soul, and a part in my heart over it.” Jeanne Johnson

“I am going to have to call you back in about 40 minutes. The Equalizer is equalizing right now.” Jeanne Johnson

“And Gang aft agley (The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men). That’s why I prepare for everything I can think of in advance.” Jeanne Johnson

“What is wrong with you? I raised you to put family and God first. If something happens to you and Malia has to raise those kids by herself, I will never forgive you! Rest or so help me God, you will regret it! Do you understand me?” Jeanne Johnson

“If you love somebody you are allowed to say something for their betterment.” Jeanne Johnson

“Our first Thanksgiving in Virginia was the best Thanksgiving of our life.” Jeanne Johnson

“If I can’t learn to live with it, I’ll live to make the changes to it until I can live with it.” Ben Dupont “You can beat the rap, but you can’t beat the ride, said people who have been through shit.” Kanye West “Struggle builds muscle. You got this sweets.” Jeanne Johnson

“You finish a job before you start a job.” Jeanne Johnson

“There is no time like the present, but you know me, I would have gotten started earlier than now.” Jeanne Johnson

“Thank you for my grandbabies galore. I need all of this love at my age.” Jeanne Johnson

“Until it happens to them, they won’t see it.” Jeanne Johnson

“In the future just say you are Tifahing it like Queen Latifah on the Equalizer, and I’ll understand.” Jeanne Johnson

“Have enough class not to be crass.” Jeanne Johnson

“Shit on this shit.” Jeanne Johnson

“Your father and I have made the decision to move up there to Virginia after the mess is cleared up down here. We need to be there for our grandbabies. We know it is the right decision.” Jeanne Johnson

“My biggest fear is if that happens you can’t take it back. There is a time and a place, and all signs point to this not being the time.” Jeanne Johnson

“Stay calm and carry on.” Jeanne Johnson

“I don’t care what month it is, as long as it isn’t Neveruary.” Jeanne Johnson

“You have to figure out the best thing to do in the amount of time you have to do it.” Jeanne Johnson

“Let me fix me a little coca coli, and I’m ready to roli.” Jeanne Johnson

“I am so blessed to call you my son!!! Thank you for taking the time to make that tribute for me.” Jeanne Johnson

“If one of them loses, they all lose.” Jeanne Johnson

“That is the most impressive school I have ever set foot in. Cash and Liz are in good hands. Good job mommy and daddy, but slightly more mommy for finding this Harvard for kids.” Jeanne Johnson

“Malia busted her butt all day to make the house nice for you when you got home. She deserves better than, “Huh, looks different in here.” Tell her what you just told me. Go!” Jeanne Johnson

“What would be the opposite of shit ton, shit bit?” Jeanne Johnson

“You know I will always listen to your problems, and you know what I will tell you after I listen to your problems. I raised you. I know you can solve any problem. Now you got that off your chest, go solve your problems!” Jeanne Johnson

“All the facts and evidence in the world can’t fix delusion. Let it go. The best thing you can do is love and cherish Malia and your babies.” Jeanne Johnson

“We love being close to you guys in Virginia, and we are close to our other grand babies in Ohio. We are in grandbaby heaven.” Jeanne Johnson

“No way! You flew all the way down here to take me on a shoe shopping spree for my birthday? I will never forget this birthday. When I lived in Ohio and you lived in Texas, you flew up there to surprise me. Now I live in Texas, and you live in Maryland, and you flew all the way down here to surprise me. I am a happy mom!” Jeanne Johnson

“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love overcomes all.” Jeanne Johnson

“Malia, you have me crying happy tears now. Having this much grand baby love in my life is overwhelming.” Jeanne Johnson

“Ain’t nobody gonna take my shit from me.” Jeanne Johnson

“It’s the good enoughest they could do.” Jeanne Johnson

“Everything these days is “good enough.” Well, “good enough” is not “good enough” for me.” Jeanne Johnson

“It’s what we do after we mess up that counts.” Jeanne Johnson

“It will be what it is going to be. That’s all it can be.” Jeanne Johnson

“Malia knows how to do Christmas. Everyone is loving this. I think you and Malia will be hosting Christmas’s from now on.” Jeanne Johnson

“I don’t know about that, but I am the Elon Musk of bulletin boards.” Jeanne Johnson

“Flop them titties out. That’s how they do. What is Malia’s word for women like that? Now I remember. Skeezers.” Jeanne Johnson

“There is so much love in this house.” Jeanne Johnson

“I know it isn’t easy. I probably sound like a broken record but hang in there. Things will work out the way they are supposed to.” Jeanne Johnson

“XXXXXXXXX, I mean Cash. Where did you go? Thank you, Malia, for saving my son and our family. I love you.” Jeanne Johnson

“It is doing this old mother’s heart good to see you so happy like this. This was a wonderful Christmas.” Jeanne Johnson

“I am praying for today to be new grand baby day.” Jeanne Johnson

“This isn’t wow, this is way wow. Way wow is double a regular wow.” Jeanne Partin

Welcome To The World Isabella Jeanne Johnson! –

World’s Best Mom Jeanne Johnson Video –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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