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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Gene Rockefeller Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Gene Rockefeller Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“More fortunes have been made during turbulent times than in times of peace and stability.” Gene Rockefeller

“Every battle is won before it is fought, but winning a battle does not guarantee winning the war.” Gene Rockefeller

“Consuming more than you produce is risking your future and paying interest to do it. I’d advise against it.” Gene Rockefeller

“I am a man of few words but many actions.” Gene Rockefeller

“I can believe he is a wheeler dealer but not a stealer. I have thirty years of history with him that backs him up.” Gene Rockefeller

“If you want to become a wealthy investor, be an earner of interest, not a payer of interest.” Gene Rockefeller

“You might think you have an excellent plan, but don’t be ignorant of the results due to confirmation bias.” Gene Rockefeller

“If you can’t afford two of them, you shouldn’t buy one of them. Most people never consider the backend costs of purchases.” Gene Rockefeller

“Odds are you are probably not going to inherit a fortune or hit the lottery. To have a fortune you are going to have to make it. There are ways to do it. It is possible, but you have to put in the effort.” Gene Rockefeller

“It is not how much you make. It is how much you get to keep. Save your money. Invest your money. Grow your money.” Gene Rockefeller

“Tradition has the answers. Tradition isn’t perfect, but tradition has the answers.” Gene Rockefeller

“Car stars are my favorite cars to collect. Wanna go for a ride in my Batmobile?” Gene Rockefeller

“I trust because I have a trust.” Gene Rockefeller

“I live my life based on the best concept. I spend my time with who treats me best and I invest my money where my money is treated best.” Gene Rockefeller

“If you need to minimalize your life to maximize your savings until the economy recovers, do that. You won’t regret it.” Gene Rockefeller

“When the right two people couple up, the things they can do and build together are limitless. A family! A fortune! A legacy!” Gene Rockefeller

“If it is everyone for themselves, no community involvement, all that matters is who can adapt and adjust. That is what is happening in our world. 80% of people are suffering while 20% of people are adapting and adjusting. The 80% live in a hellscape of misery. Be in the 20%.” Gene Rockefeller

“After a cure for COVID is developed, scientists should work on a cure for haters hate. Can you image how much friendly and happier a place this world would be if haters hate was reduced by even 10%?” Gene Rockefeller

“International business is a more complicated game of global chess. Don’t overt think the game. Make smart moves and focus on check mate.” Gene Rockefeller

“I know what I am talking about, and I know the people that know. The biggest crash since 1929 is upon us. Preserve your capital and be patient. The impending crash will create opportunities to buy stocks and real estate we may not see again for generations.” Gene Rockefeller

“If they do stupid things on a whim, get rid of them!” Gene Rockefeller

“No one is perfect, but principled people are the only people I trust. If you don’t live by a set of principles, you will never have my trust or investment capital.” Gene Rockefeller

“The cheapest expense for big ticket items is almost always the point of entry.” Gene Rockefeller

“The bank isn’t working with us on the deal. We’re just going to have to buy the bank.” Gene Rockefeller

“Never settle for the path of least resistance unless it is the best path to follow.” Gene Rockefeller

“Small minds can’t comprehend big ideas.” Gene Rockefeller

“Fortune needs to be enticed before it reveals itself. Consider it advertising for good things.” Gene Rockefeller

“To deal with your future, sometimes you have to deal with your past.” Gene Rockefeller

“If you want luck on your side, be prepared, show up, give your all, put in extra time, learn from your mistakes, be teachable, don’t give up, stay committed, find ways to make it work.” Gene Rockefeller

“If you want an easy life, you have to do the hard things first.” Gene Rockefeller

“With the right woman by your side, your love, your happiness, your family, and your bank account will grow.” Gene Rockefeller

“You are not promised tomorrow. Today! Today! Today!” Gene Rockefeller

“Being good is great. Being great is greater.” Gene Rockefeller

“You can either accept the fate trying to be imposed on you, or you fight back and not accept shit.” Gene Rockefeller

“Expecting me to enter into a no win situation where the facts are ignored at worst, and heavily watered down at best, to favor your side, is a waste of my time, money and effort. Why would I engage in a no win for me situation, where only you can win? I am not dealing with you.” Gene Rockefeller

“I am not a lawyer. I am not a politician. I am not an activist. I am a businessman. As a businessman, all I want is the freedom to do business with limited government interference slowing me down.” Gene Rockefeller

“Manipulation is not inherently bad. It can be a good thing in certain situations. Whether it is good or bad is situational.” Gene Rockefeller

“Think more than you speak. It will keep you the most prepared.” Gene Rockefeller

“If you can withstand opposition pressure, there is very little that can be done to stop you.” Gene Rockefeller

“If you are down, don’t give up. Don’t give them the satisfaction of taking you down.” Gene Rockefeller

“If this is going to be a transaction, show me you’re serious with your actions, and I will show you I am serious with my actions.” Gene Rockefeller

“You can eliminate most of the risk by paying a premium for a pedigree. If you want the best it can be, make it a pedigree.” Gene Rockefeller

“Minding your own business is good business.” Gene Rockefeller

“Lost opportunity costs can be the most expensive.” Gene Rockefeller

“To know the person, study their actions.” Gene Rockefeller

“We live in a post truth society. The future is going to be more unbelievable than believable.” Gene Rockefeller

“I don’t play. Come at me and I am going to make your world freeze up colder than a Russian winter. I leave people alone. People need to leave me alone.” Gene Rockefeller

“Before during and after war is profitable. That is why we have nearly continuous wars. It is about the money. If you want to eliminate wars, eliminate war profiteering.” Gene Rockefeller

“I have suffered like Job and succeeded like Hilton. Life extremes, but life well lived.” Gene Rockefeller

“Keep building until your success snowballs. You will know when you’re there.” Gene Rockefeller

“We live in a globally connected world. Opportunities are everywhere, and they are accessible.” Gene Rockefeller

“You can’t be the boss and not expect people to try to take what you have away from you.” Gene Rockefeller

“If you are like most people, you don’t want to rule the world, but you probably want to rule your world. Ruling your world is possible by focusing on what you want and following through. It is doable.” Gene Rockefeller

“Don’t play because big bank will take little bank right now.” Gene Rockefeller

“The feelings first culture is not mindful enough to realize that basing decisions on feelings will inevitably lead to disfunction at best, and disaster at worst.” Gene Rockefeller

Millionaire and Billionaire Money and Success Advice –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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