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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Former President Barack Obama Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Former President Barack Obama and Michael :MJ The Terrible" Johnson Photo Collage

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Former President Barack Obama Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“America is still a place where all things are possible. We have to keep it that way even during her darkest times.” Former President Barack Obama

“Disagreeing with facts doesn’t make you right.” Former President Barack Obama

“MJ, you could spin anything into victim hero triumph narrative. You are the first person I have ever heard espouse the idea of the truth being a social construct.” Former President Barack Obama

“If you can know that you don’t know and be okay with it, then you can know that it will be what it will be and be okay with it.” Former President Barack Obama

“The best choices come after you hear all voices.” Former President Barack Obama

“The willingness to defend freedom and liberty the world over against tyrants and dictators, is the story of the United States Armed Forces.” Former President Barack Obama

“Nine times out of ten, getting some of what you want as part of a compromise is better than getting nothing at all in a standoff.” Former President Barack Obama

“When the highest-level issues need to be resolved, all solutions need to be on the table. Said another way, When the highest-level problems need to be solved, all solutions need to be on the table. Having leverage also doesn’t hurt.” Former President Barack Obama

“Having heroes to look up to is great, but there is nothing wrong with being the hero of your own story, by choice or out of necessity.” Former President Barack Obama

“History chose us to do important things in service to our great nation. You in the field of national defense cyberwarfare and myself as President. We are both lucky to have had the opportunity to serve.” Former President Barack Obama

“There he is. Cyber Jack Ryan extraordinaire.” Former President Barack Obama

“I’ll go with you are the only man I know who is qualified to be the cyber villain or cyber 007 in real life version of a James Bond movie.” Former President Barack Obama

“Michelle and I will be in the neighborhood next week. Would you mind if we stopped by to say hi? I heard from Eric Fanning you can grill a mean steak.” Former President Barack Obama

“How you treat people you disagree with speaks volumes about you.” Former President Barack Obama

“I was a community organizer. I was a GOAT community organizer. Don’t talk smack about community organizers.” Former President Barack Obama

“You have to win people over the right way, with genuineness, with authenticity, with a vision worth buying into. When you do it right, your campaign becomes a movement of sorts that people can get into.” Former President Barack Obama

“During the most tense post World War II moments in history, love for family is what has prevented those in power from going too far. Love for family is what will prevent those in power from going too far now.” Former President Barack Obama

“This was our wake-up call. No one wants the alternative to us coming together as a nation. The only wars we should ever being fighting with each other are wars of words, and even then, we should aim to avoid it when we can.” Former President Barack Obama

“Weigh the who, what, where, when, why, how, the risks and rewards, and the pros and cons. Then make your decision.” Former President Barack Obama

“At first I wasn’t so sure about MJ. Eric Fanning had to sell me on him. I decided to trust Eric and Eric trusted MJ. I can’t go too much into it, but it worked out. MJ is worthy of Distinguished Intelligence Cross. He is a very talented and dedicated young man.” Barack Obama Former President of the United States

“Do you know why people respect your strategy opinions MJ? They are effective and your “Yes man” button is broken. Now tell me why these other strategies are all trash, and we should go with your proven strategy. Over under he says the word “proven” at least twenty times during his pitch?” Former President Barack Obama

“The best thing we can do for the 9-11 victims is to remember their sacrifice and honor them by living our best lives in the spirit of unity.” Former President Barack Obama

“Don’t ask a question you don’t want to know the answer to.” Former President Barack Obama

“One size fits all solutions are temporary solutions. But if you can establish a one size fits all temporary fix, you can expand it to include more individualized options.” Former President Barack Obama

“The world always seems to open up and make a path for those who know what they are doing and know where they want to go.” Former President Barack Obama

“Statements box you in. Questions open up the dialog.” Former President Barack Obama

“I do my best to handle difficult people at a distance. I noticed my quality of life improved almost immediately after enacting this policy into my life.” Former President Barack Obama

“Good decision makers find good sources to rely on to make good decisions.” Former President Barack Obama

“If you stay ready you don’t have to get ready.” Former President Barack Obama

“It will be okay. The world has faced ugly times, but we’re still here. All is not lost. All will not be lost.” Former President Barack Obama

“We are human. We have emotions. Good people with good intentions can sometimes take things too far, and I think it takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to walk back miss steps. Kudos to those with enough self-reflective abilities and integrity who can do that.” Former President Barack Obama

“Society ebbs and flows. If you aren’t liking the current ebb, wait for the next flow.” Former President Barack Obama

“Stories are what help us make sense of our lives.” Former President Barack Obama

“People love people who stand up after they have fallen.” Former President Barack Obama

“It takes all of your mistakes, wins and losses, to get you to where you are now. Embrace it all because it’s you. It’s your story!” Former President Barack Obama

“Quotes can motivate, inspire, and drive us to higher heights. You can quote me on that.” Former President Barack Obama

“Retirement has reminded me how amazing my wife Michelle is. I always knew, but we didn’t have time to enjoy each other for about 10 years.” Former President Barack Obama

“You better. Retired executive orders are a thing. I’ve still got pull. It just takes a little longer to take effect.” Former President Barack Obama

“Right and wrong needs to matter. Not just popular opinion.” Former President Barack Obama

Former President Barack Obama Phone Call –

Pwesident Owama? Fo weal? –

President Obama – Masters of Money LLC @mastersofmoney1 Twitter Page Promotional Video –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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