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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know David Boies Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know David Boies Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“Fīat jūstitia ruat cælum is a Latin phrase. It means Let justice be done though the heavens may fall.” David Boies

“I don’t care what you do to try to eliminate bias, bias still exists. I don’t care what you do to try to eliminate incompetence, incompetence still exists. Putting the power to decide a case in the hands of biased and possibly incompetent judges and juries is rolling the dice, and I highly advise against it.” David Boies

“The compounding of lies, lies on top of lies, will unravel at a certain point. The application of pressure creates the unraveling point. That is why the pressure is applied, to get to that unraveling point.” David Boies

“Investigations before actions people. Unthorough and sloppy investigations lead to such a large amount of wasted time and money on the backend.” David Boies

“12 times a genius and 4 times a legend. That is a lot of praise in 1 conversation.” David Boies

“Sure, it could be said, but it is not going to be. We are only going to say what needs to be said, and not a single word more.” David Boies

“People typically forget the middle, but they remember the end.” David Boies

“The case is built on rumor, on top of hearsay, on top of more rumor and hearsay. Evidence/facts are what a case should be built on, because evidence/facts are what determine the final case result.” David Boies

“There are no words being expressed, but that is money talking right there.” David Boies

“Their legal strategy was by any means necessary, regardless of the laws and rules. It’s like they said at their meeting- “I’ll be in there to control all of the decisions by then. We will remove their document before the hearing. We will control it all from the beginning and create and unwinnable situation for him.” Our legal strategy was to let them do it and record it all. They have no idea how ugly of a situation their bad decisions have put them in.” David Boies

“Egregious actions against someone on paper is seen as being different than egregious actions against someone via physical force. If the state moves against him via physical force, that is where the safeguards and outrage would kick in.” David Boies

“They are reactionary. They won’t take precautionary measures. Something has to happen before they react.” David Boies

“There is a difference between saying something and saying something under oath.” David Boies

“I don’t care if you lie to yourself, but you are not lying to me.” David Boies

“Hate speech is only hate speech if you call out a specific distinguishable trait. Saying fuck you conveys the hate, without being hate speech. This is not legal advice and fuck you.” David Boies

“I am not free then. I am available then, but I am expensive.” David Boies

“There are exceptions to the rule. Not in this case. All rule.” David Boies

“For your role in this conspiracy, and for stealing said document, these men here wearing the blue coats with yellow letters on the back of them will be escorting you to your new home for the next 20 years.” David Boies

“This is a clear case of toxic injustice. Yeah, I used your lingo. Deal with it.” David Boies

“Oh, we are going to take the high road. We are going to take the road right up their ass!” David Boies

“She didn’t lie. She didn’t tell the truth either. What she did was tell her truth. That is the reality of the situation that must be addressed.” David Boies

“Anything can be taken out of context, especially by haters who are trying to manipulate and contort everything you say.” David Boies

“What do you expect them to say Foreign Corporation related parties, rather than respecting your rights, ensuring due process, determining facts based on objective evidence, and making fair rulings, we do what we want and try to get away with it. The legal system is a business. Fuck you, pay me? Courts are war zones. Forget about fairness and what’s right; they have.” David Boies

“This is how I keep it in perspective. As much as I may be feeling bad for myself for how unfair life has treated me, generally speaking there are a lot of people who have it worse than me. I have to be thankful for what I have.” David Boies

“To whom much has been unfairly punished, much is fairly owed.” David Boies

“All’s fair in love, war and law. Rules, regs and statutes matter to the extent they are allowed to matter. Add in perception, bias, beliefs, timing, luck, money, power, connections, reputation, the known and unknown, the law of the jungle, and what you get is a crap shoot. The best you can do is all you can do and see what happens. And don’t make stupid mistakes that can cost you.” David Boies

“Litigation liability is based on onus. If another party or parties cannot put the onus on you and your interests, their litigation against you and your interests will fail.” David Boies

“Courts don’t punish mentally unstable false accusers. Why? Number 1. The court benefits from putting the accused in the system. Number 2. Reality punishes the mentally unstable every day. No further action required. What can you do to prevent being falsely accused by a mentally unstable person? Avoid mentally unstable people and cover your ass at all costs. Effective 99.99% of the time.” David Boies

“Being accused of something is immediate. Being innocent or guilty of it is determined in time. Accusations sprint. The truth runs a marathon.” David Boies

“The legal system is a long game based on the law of the jungle with rules and laws guiding it.” David Boies

“Digital and telecom expert witnesses will disprove the case. You are going to sit there and not say a word. If you utter a word before, during or after, I’m gonna kneecap ya.” David Boies

“If you feel like the authorities are going to charge your client with intent to distribute the truth, there could be some corruption there. That is one my litmus tests to see if my client is being unfairly targeted for prosecution.” David Boies

“Evidence doesn’t matter in agenda driven prosecutions until you get in front of a jury.” David Boies

“When a whistleblower steps up, whoever the person is trying to blow the whistle on usually tries to frame the whistleblower as a crazy person so no one will listen to them. It’s the process. Somehow the truth comes out of it eventually.” David Boies

“The system might be a problem, but I am a problem solver. I can’t fix the entire system, but I can fix it as far as you are concerned.” David Boies

“They have given you no other options but to remove your ATM (Attention Time Money) and starve them until they come to their senses.” David Boies

“If you have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law and exonerated, you get to sue to the full extent of the law and get compensated.” David Boies

“Feelings are not facts. Feelings are not evidence. Feelings count in therapy. Facts count in the courtroom.” David Boies

“I have a very simple litigation strategy. Nothing illegal. No cheating. Win. That’s it. Our methods are very unorthodox, and at times you may not understand why we are doing what we are doing. If you trust me and do exactly what I tell you to, we will win. To make sure you do exactly what I tell you to do, Eric Fanning, your mother, Ms. White, and Malia, are going to ride your ass like a champion bull rider. You will hate me until we win. Then you forgive me. Hey, it was nice to meet you MJ. We’ll talk soon.” David Boies

“In their minds you were found guilty have having a penis. Evidence of actual acts of criminal conduct are not required to them. Sad but true. It will all come out in the wash.” David Boies

“Allegedly, hypothetically, virtually, potentially, allegedly, yes.” David Boies

“Sink your teeth in and bite and fight until the truth comes out.” David Boies

“You’re not wrong. You’re not right either. You’re on the right wrong spectrum somewhere.” David Boies

“It’s simple. They use fear to get you to act against your own best interest. Those who do stand up against the fear mongers get run over, but at least they get run over with dignity. Life is fucked up. We just have to deal with it. What else do you want me to say?” David Boies

“What sucks is some people in power positions choose to be dumb by choice, and you have no choice but to wait out their intentional dumbness until the statute of limitations runs out.” David Boies

“Great lawyers ain’t cheap and cheap lawyers ain’t great.” David Boies

“Don’t talk to me about fair. Life is not fair. Save all your talk about fairness for your psychiatrist. I know what my job is. My job is to win your case. On paper you are technically my boss, but if you want to win, you will let me be the boss, and you will do exactly what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. And another thing, if you put me in your movie, I want to play me.” David Boies

“Treat business and legal conversations the way you should always treat guns, like they are loaded.” David Boies

“Mr. Johnson, you are an incredibly resilient man. My hats off to you.” David Boies

“Silence. Silence confuses them. Silence throws them off. Silence doesn’t give them anything to use against you.” There is power in silence if you know when and how to use it.” David Boies

“Stay strong. Show the opposition you are not going to be defeated.” David Boies

“There may be no choice, but legal tit for tat is mutually assured destruction.” David Boies

“You could think if it like that. Not David versus Goliath, but Michael David versus a Goliath of sorts.” David Boies

“In the United States, under the law, we are all presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. Although true in theory, in practice the accused is treated like shit an assumed guilty until they can prove they are innocent beyond all doubt, and even then, prosecutors aren’t likely to dismiss, because they have to keep their conviction rates high if they want to keep their job. Basically, the accused has to prove their innocence beyond all doubt, overcome overzealous prosecutors who want to convict on every case, and then they are presumed innocent.” David Boies

“Let them walk into an upper cut that is well deserved. You don’t owe evil a warning.” David Boies

“Say that you are willing to waste millions of taxpayer dollars because you are petty, without saying you are willing to waste millions of tax dollars because you are petty. This shit is comical.” David Boies

“Corruption is a problem there are solutions for.” David Boies

“They pile on and they try to make it seem like everyone can’t be wrong, but it is all coming from the same place. It’s all fabricated bull shit.” David Boies

“I assume you have read our legal briefing and are here to tell us your thoughts about how we can propagandize it more to the fit the “MJ The Terrible” Doctrine narrative of everyone else is wrong and you are right. Is that an accurate assumption?” David Boies

“What it takes is coming up with something that they can’t deny.” David Boies

“Answer my questions and I will answer yours. If you have any questions, I will answer them after you answer mine.” David Boies

“A prosecutor who goes after people and not crimes, is committing lawfare, not practicing law.” David Boies

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Brian Heberlig Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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