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My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Chris Hubbard Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Chris Hubbard MJ#2 and Michael Johnson MJ Walter Reed Hospital MJ The Terrible Logo Photo Collage

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Chris Hubbard Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

“MJ, your ex-wife is pure evil! She has the rare ability to be able to throw someone under the bus, while she is screwing them over, at the same time she is stabbing them in the back. That is a truly rare gift.” Chris Hubbard

“If the choice is let the machine crush me or do something about, I’m gonna do something about it.” Chris Hubbard

“Go aim your chaos somewhere else.” Chris Hubbard

“People see through the “Hey You” or “Hey Buddy”. A name may be the most important thing a person has. Remembering a person’s name shows the other person they made an impression on you.” Chris Hubbard

“I love that commercial where they talk about the benefits of putting solar panels on your house. It sounds a lot like a get rich quick infomercial. “If you put solar panels on your house, not only will you save yourself a bundle on energy costs, but you will be helping the environment and you will become a millionaire, in only 3 months.” Chris Hubbard

“Yes! We have light. Shout out to Thomas Edison.” Chris Hubbard

“We’re not beer buddies or butt buddies, but you know me, and you know I would never do pull that shit. Fuck those fucks and they deserve it!” Chris Hubbard

“I as you, can still be me, in ways that differentiate me from you, while I am still being you. It makes no sense at all while making complete sense at the same time. It’s all love bro.” Chris Hubbard

“Accountability is haters kryptonite.” Chris Hubbard

“It feels like we are a family. We are a family of brothers and sisters from different mothers and all colors.” Chris Hubbard

“Remember the time, when we couldn’t remember that one time? Man, we had a great time!” Chris Hubbard

“Unfortunately, Gotye has everything is everyone else’s fault syndrome. She also has me, myself, and I are my 3 favorite people syndrome. Very dangerous combination to have. It has been known to cause continuous and never ending problems for everyone who has to deal with her.” Chris Hubbard

“Akron U made the March Madness bracket. Go Zips! College was a blast. A big reason it was a blast was you. I love you bro,” Chris Hubbard

“Alright, I’m going to call it a midday and take a nap.” Chris Hubbard

“Remember the last week the rock station 107.9 The End, in Cleveland was on the air? They played the song- “It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.”, nonstop the entire week. If things go left and World War 3 is likely to cause the end of the world, I am going out the same way 107.9 The End did.” Chris Hubbard

“I already know I am going to fuck up and call you Dave sometimes. You know I don’t know shit about the pronouns things, so you can forget about me getting that right. What I am going to get right is being your friend. And sometime when we are drunk as fuck you are going to have to show me your tits. You know, if you want to. You are getting a nice pair of tits aren’t you? You should. Make it worth going through the surgery pain. You know what I’m sayin.” Chris Hubbard

“Here is what’s not an option- quitting! Everything else is on the table.” Chris Hubbard

“How could anyone vote for Kamala? She’s the worst.” Chris Hubbard

“Hell if I know why people do what they do. Time spent worrying about why people do what they do is wasted time. Live your own life if you don’t want it to pass you by.” Chris Hubbard

“Life can be explained through the Devil Went Down to Georgia song. Do what you do, and if the Devil tries to pull some shit, tell him to go fuck himself and put that some bitch in his place!” Chris Hubbard

“If she’s honest, loyal, smart, fun to be with, laid back, classy with a dirty mind, eats pizza, and lets you touch her boobs…..marry her!” Chris Hubbard

“In good times and bad times, don’t forget what’s important. Having the right perspective can help keep you from losing your shit. Truer words have never been spoken my friend.” Chris Hubbard

“This is my Old Goat (MJ’s ex-wife we nicknamed Gotye, to keep her real identity private) scorn quote of the day- I don’t always file for false restraining orders, but when I do, I am such a hateful vindictive bitch, I even file them against trademarked characters that you own, because I live my life to ruin yours.” Chris Hubbard

“How do we get away from these narcissistic control freaks? I am tired of being their narcissistic supply.” Chris Hubbard

“As long as I’ve got beer in the fridge, my bride by my side, and I’m living my life as a free man, I can’t ask for more than that.” Chris Hubbard

“If you do, are y’all going to buy the old Firestone mansion? That would be baller as hell bro.” Chris Hubbard

“You can’t unsee 90 year old lady ass.” Chris Hubbard

“Your mom hugged me after you left. She was happy sad crying like Malia does sometimes. She was happy to see you and sad that you had to leave. She is a great Mom to you and a great second mom to me.” Chris Hubbard

“Old Goat (MJ’s ex-wife we nicknamed Gotye, to keep her real identity private) is one high conflict ex-wife. It’s a good thing I am a high solution surrogate ex-husband.” Chris Hubbard

“Man the fuck up and have the strength to do what’s necessary.” Chris Hubbard

“All I know is I don’t know, ya know?” Chris Hubbard

“In this life it is you versus you. It’s up to you what you want to do. It’s up to you what you are going to do.” Chris Hubbard

“I love you so much bro that I’m going to ignore that comment.” Chris Hubbard

“Dollar bet says Gotye’s complaint involves aliens, and/or entirely fictional bull shit that doesn’t come anywhere within the ballpark of reality?” Chris Hubbard

“Uh oh. The whole band is being brought back together. What is MJ accused of doing now? Robbing Malia’s booty? We know he is guilty of that.” Chris Hubbard

“Fuck Diddy after watching his beat down of Cassy video. It will always be a despicable, but when enough time has passed, I will probably be making a few jokes about how ineffective the beat down actually was. His coordination was way off. He missed a grab and kick. And he didn’t try to leg drop her and go for a pin. Ridiculous! For real though, despicable! Despicable!” Chris Hubbard

“If someone is willing to do anything to get what they want, they have to be ready to handle any punishment they receive if/when they get caught.” Chris Hubbard

“The answer is balls.” Chris Hubbard

“And the award for making the biggest deal out of something that doesn’t matter at all goes to quasi your quasi my ex Gotye.” Chris Hubbard

“I’m confused. Playing GI Joe with toy guns is bad parenting, but being a gangbang 304 on OnlyFans is perfectly okay parenting?” Chris Hubbard

“Look at this ninja. Can you see him? #odoylerules” Chris Hubbard

“Oh. Look. There’s where that salt lamp went.” Chris Hubbard

“Governor Abbott told Biden to get fucked over the border. Abbott might be paralyzed from the waste down but he has huge pair of balls man.” Chris Hubbard

“When Tarica becomes the 50th President of these here United States of Murica, I am going to 1st Gentlemen. I am thinking “The man”. What do you think? Sounds good doesn’t it.” Chris Hubbard

“It is funny to me when you and Tarica butt heads. She respects and looks up to you too much to push you too hard. You respect and appreciate her too much to push her too hard. I like my role as the middleman. Just call me “Chris The Conduit”.” Chris Hubbard

“Hi MJ. It’s Chris. COVID ruined my voice. It’s COVID Chris at the moment. Call me back when you get 5 minutes. I will talk 30 seconds and you can talk the 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Miss you bro. Late.” Chris Hubbard

“Bad breaks. Loss. Setbacks. Haters. Bad luck. We all have had to deal with those things. What you are willing to do to overcome all of that is all that matters.” Chris Hubbard

“Everything always goes wrong. That’s why when something goes right it’s so fuckin awesome.” Chris Hubbard

“If you live your life based on what you feel, and not facts and logic, you are constantly going to be chasing your tail and not getting ahead.” Chris Hubbard

“Not worth the risk. Pence rule always, no exceptions.” Chris Hubbard

“After all the shit I have done for you, you can bed rest for me for a week. Do it my friend.” Chris Hubbard

“I think of the weirdest shit bro. Like, that song Jesse’s Girl from the 80’s, is that based on a true story? If it is, what a fuckin asshole.” Chris Hubbard

“The juice got squeezed out. OJ Simpson just died.” Chris Hubbard

“Red flags in a relationship are not warning signs to be aware of. They are stop and exit signs. Ignore them at your own peril.” Chris Hubbard

“I like to wait till the last minute. I like the rush of having to make shit happen in a near impossible time frame.” Chris Hubbard

“What you do is what matters.” Chris Hubbard

“According to Alex Jones- “The answer to 1984 is 1776.” I would like to say- “The 1990’s was the most epic decade in modern American history. The culture was second to none. Prove me wrong.” Chris Hubbard

“Time to make a comeback out of the shit hole.” Chris Hubbard

“Facts sometimes hurt feelings but facts are still facts.” Chris Hubbard

“Biggy and Diddy’s song was right. Mo money, mo problems. As soon as Diddy became a billionaire last year his life went to shit.” Chris Hubbard

“I don’t care. Fried chicken is fucking awesome!” Chris Hubbard

“Life isn’t fair. Some people are born with incurable diseases. If you have your health, a roof over your head and food to eat, you are better off than half the world’s population. Count your lucky stars my friend.” Chris Hubbard

“MJ, you have out done yourself on AI Content Generator Pro. A fully autonomous generative AI blog post creating product. Fucking amazing my friend!” Chris Hubbard

“Double standards and hypocrisy? Nice! Good luck with that!” Chris Hubbard

“Only the coolest mother fuckers can laugh during perilous times.” Chris Hubbard

“I love being married. Being married means anytime you get horny, you can just roll up on your wifey and throw one on her. It’s great. I negotiated the same deal you have with Malia, where she will have sex with me anytime I want it. Oh yeah, you dawn right I locked that shit in before we got married. We haven’t been married long, but so far so good, both and out of the bedroom.” Chris Hubbard

Megan Ayers Tells Stories About Her Ex-Boyfriends The 2 MJ’s –

Jenna Lombardi Tells Stories About Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson and Chris Hubbard –

Life Leading Up To MJ The Terrible’s Subdural Hematoma Rupture –

How MJ The Terrible’s Subdural Hematoma Ruptured –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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