Question: My husband cheats on me. I just know he does. I am sick of it. Please don’t post my name, but I need your help MJ The Terrible. How can I monitor his text messages? Please help me. I am a good person and I don’t want to get fucked over. Why can’t I find a man like you? Malia is a lucky girl. I hate men. Not all of them. Help me please?
Answer: Thank you for the question and the compliment. I think Malia and I both feel lucky to have found each other. I am sorry to hear about your situation. For legal reasons, I can not recommend hacking into and/or monitoring someone’s text messages, but this video should help you pretty easily hack into his text messages, if that is what you decide to do-
Most people think their cell phones and computers are protected, as long as no one else knows their passwords, but unfortunately, or I guess maybe fortunately in this case, that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
I can’t speak for all men, but I was a pretty narcissistic, self centered little shit, before all of the “MJ The Terrible” stuff humbled me. It was the worst of times. It was the best of times, if you know what I’m saying? The odds may be low, but I know a previous ex of mine thought I was screwing around on her, and it led her to some pretty bad decisions, so don’t condemn the guy until you’re sure.
I hope this was helpful. Best, MJ
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