Personal Life

Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson and Son’s Visit To Fort Hood Military Base

MJ The Terrible and Son Fort Hood Military Base Visit Photo Collage

This past weekend my son CJ and I visited Fort Hood, in Killeen, Texas. Fort Hood is about an hour drive from Austin, where we live.

Fort Hood is one of the largest military installations in the country, is home to the largest armored military vehicle unit in the country, and had a shooting on base not to long ago. Needless to say, security is at a high level.

To be perfectly honest, I was a little bit nervous, because I wasn’t 100% sure how everyone would react with “MJ The Terrible” on base. I knew the worst it would get, might be the occasional comment here or there, so I wasn’t that worried.

In order to enter the base, you have to submit to a background check, provide the exact details of where you are going, why you are going there, and how long you will be there, provide the make, model, and ownership information of your car, etc.

Before my son CJ and I got there, I explained to him that we may have to wait awhile when we get there, while they verify our personal information. He said- “Ok Daddy, I don’t care as long as I can bring my Thor guy and my Loki guy with me.”

The usual wait time is around an hour, to an hour and a half, depending on the amount of people waiting to get in.

When we arrived it was packed wall to wall, with vendors, business people, contractors, and military family members. We checked in, and then went over and sat by the wall, until we were called up, just like everyone else. They told us when we checked in, that it would probably be a couple hour wait.

After about 5 minutes, we were called up. While we were walking up there, we could hear this lady arguing about not getting let in. When the lady who was arguing with check in security looked over and saw CJ and I’s pass, she went nuts. She said- “Why are you letting him in without making him provide information about his car? I can’t even go visit my own family inside, but he gets to go to “Different Locations”? “Different Locations” isn’t a specific location. Why are you making me list a specific place on base, but he is allowed to go anywhere he damn well pleases? This is bullshit! How do I get the go anywhere cut the line pass?”

Check in security’s reply to her- “Go through the same shit he’s been through. Now go sit down.”

I grabbed the pass and CJ’s hand, and we started walking towards the car. I looked down to see the reaction on CJ’s face. I thought he would be somewhat freaked out by the situation, but he had a smile on his face. CJ said- “Daddy, did they let us in because of the “MJ The Terrible” stuff you did?” Now I was freaked out! I said- “What do you know about “MJ The Terrible” stuff?” He said- “I don’t know. I just heard people talking about it.” I didn’t ask who. I know who, but since CJ spends half of the time with the person, I bit my lip, and let the moment pass. I am trying to be a good co-parent, even if the other co-parent isn’t. I’m hoping that taking the high road will eventually lead to peaceful relations.

CJ and I had a wonderful time on base. We rode on a helicopter, I got to introduce him to some people, he got to play with some of the kids of the families who live on base, and more.

When we went to the exchange to get a snack, +1 heard the amazing person behind the counter say at check out- “Your money is no good here.” CJ said, “Did we bring the wrong kind of money?” The amazing person, who shall remain nameless, said- “No son, your daddy didn’t bring the wrong kind of money. When someone tells someone else their money is no good here, it means they don’t have to pay for what they want to buy.” CJ replied- “Is my money no good here too?” The amazing person behind the counter and I both looked at CJ, wondering where he was going with this. Then CJ said- “I don’t have any money, but if it’s free, I want an ice cream bar.” The amazing person behind the counter walked around the counter to where we were, grabbed probably 5 ice cream bars, gave them to CJ, and said- “Your money is no good here either, but I think these ice cream bars will be good when you eat them with your hero daddy.”

What a day! I may have been a little nervous when we arrived at Fort Hood, but I felt nothing but happy, and even closer to CJ, when we were leaving Fort Hood.

Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Awarded Distinguished Intelligence Cross –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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