Business, Personal Life

Malia and MJ Texting About Mediaset’s Offer To Buy Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG.

Malia's Panties and MJ's Boxers Laying On Bed Photo

MJ: Have you looked through Mediaset’s offer to buy us yet?

Malia: Yes. The offer is missing some important points.

MJ: Which points are you thinking? No protections for current employees?

Malia: That, a long with a mandatory family vacation for you, and security to block all the Italian road whore sluts from trying to hook up with you while you are in Italy.

Malia: I woke up last night with a nightmare! All of these Italian named girls like Bianca and Francesca, kept hitting on you. They wanted you to put “Your big American hotdog in their tight Italian cannoli’s”. I hated it, and I can’t go to Italy with you, because I’m pregnant.

Malia: I know you wouldn’t cheat on me, but you always think girls are just being nice to you, but what they are really trying to do is get with you. I hate road whores!

MJ: I’m sorry you had a nightmare about that. I am so in love with you! I would never cheat on you. I know you know that.

Malia: Prego hormones baby! The same hormones that make me irrational, jealous, and possessive when I’m pregnant, are the same hormones that make me perma horny when I’m pregnant. Remember that if you get annoyed by my irrational jealous mood swings. My rational self knows you would never cheat on me. I trust you and I love you.

MJ: I am not just trying to be nice when I say this. Honestly, I am surprised you aren’t crazier when you’re pregnant. I mean, a whole other little person is growing inside of you. When it gets to like month 8, and you can feel them, and see them moving inside your stomach, it’s surreal. I had trouble sleeping last night to. That’s why I got up so early and went to work in my office. I figured since I couldn’t sleep, I might as well get some work done.

MJ: And I don’t have to go to Italy if you don’t want me to.

Malia: I want you to go baby. You deserve praise after the hell you have been through.

MJ: I don’t know if I really want to go anyway. I don’t think all of those European and Italian police want me to go to Italy at all. I wonder why? Lol

Malia: Maybe it’s because they know how bad your farts stink.

MJ: Ha! Ha!

Malia: I had a feeling all of the police requirements would bother you, because it’s kind of like, you can’t just earn your big pay. They have to kick you in the balls too. I get it. I really do. It’s bullshit. You aren’t some convicted criminal or something.

Malia: I thought about how ridiculous the requirements are for you to travel to Italy. INTERPOL, EUROPOL, AISE, EU INTCEN, the Carabinieri, and the Polizia di Stato, each want an officer from their police departments to be with you at all times, and they want Brittany to be with you at all times. That is 7 people with you at all times. Does “at all times” mean when you are in the restroom as well? It might be kind of weird taking a poop with 7 people watching you. LOL!

MJ: Exactly! Italy and Europe must have old information, because President Obama, President Trump, and President Biden, have all called me an American Hero. I was awarded the Distinguished Intelligence Cross. I am a good guy!

Malia: I know, but I think because the cyber weapon you created infected every computer using Microsoft software, destroyed Iran’s nuclear program, took out power grids in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and well, more bad stuff like that, they might think you are a good guy, but they want to keep an eye on you just in case.

Malia: Being the first and only person ever to be awarded the Distinguished Intelligence Cross for cyber warfare, put a big spotlight on you.

MJ: Marcus thinks it is cool that one of the police organizations is requiring a senior officer be with him the whole time.

Malia: Why don’t you think it is cool?

MJ: Because they are going to harass the shit out of me, make me feel uncomfortable as possible, search my shit, etc. 1 might be cool in a bad boy sort of way, but 7 is overkill and then some. Marcus thought the same thing, that they would be all over me, and drive me nuts. With him, he would look cool/important, like the person was his bodyguard, not a police officer watching him to make sure he doesn’t do anything bad.

MJ: Marcus, Chris, Kristi, Tarica, Kevin, Munda, Adrian, and Gary, have been joking around with me all day today, about who the 6 Italians that Italy should pick to monitor me while I’m in Italy. Here were some of their top fictional picks. Michael Corleone, Tony Soprano, Marco Polo, The Italian Stallion Rocky Balboa, Daniel Larusso, John Gotti, Super Mario and Luigi, and Al Capone.

Malia: I only have 2 things to tell you right now. 1. I think the Italians should be thankful to you, for all of the cyber hero stuff you have done that has prevented bad things from happening all around the world. 2. I want your dick!

MJ: Thank you, and awesome!

Malia: I am going to come on to you like an Italian road whore would. Ready, and go.

Malia: Mr. MJ The Terrible-a. I want-a your-a big-a American-a hotdog-a in-a my-a vaginamisu-a.

MJ: My hotdog’s favorite dessert is your vaginamisu!

Malia: Baby, I’m not Italian. Do you still love me?

MJ: I’m not Italian either. Everybody is from somewhere. Your somewhere is South Africa, and my somewhere is America. It’s all good! I would love you whether you were from South Africa, Italy, or Shapeshifterville. I guess technically now you are an American girl.

Malia: Do you like American girls the best?

MJ: I guess I need to be more specific for you. I love you! I want one woman and one woman only, and her name is Malia May Johnson!

Malia: Are you going to come dick me now?

MJ: Yes!

Malia: You-a make-a me-a so-a happy-a MJ-a.

Mediaset S.p.A, (Gruppo Mediaset) Offers To Buy Foreign Corporation (LTD) AG. For $359,000,000 –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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