Business, Personal Life

Letter From President Biden To Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

President Joe Biden Letter To American Hero Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Malia: You got a letter from President Biden in the mail today.

MJ: K. I’ll read it when I get home tonight.

Malia: You don’t seem excited. You got a letter from the President today. That is kind of a big deal.

MJ: What does it say?

Malia: I didn’t open it. Do you want me to?

MJ: Sure.

Malia: I read it. The letter thanks you for stepping up whenever you are needed to keep our country safe.

MJ: That’s nice. I appreciate the appreciation, but do me a favor and file it somewhere so I don’t see it.

Malia: Why? You should read it.

MJ: Because there is always dig in every letter or correspondence, I get from him. It can’t just be nice. There always has to be some comment or dig mixed in.

MJ: I bet you a kiss there is a dig in this letter to.

Malia: By dig you mean what?

MJ: Some reference about how I couldn’t have done everything that I’ve done on my own without Dr. Frincke brain computer interface brain implant that made me special and gave me special skills that I wouldn’t have without it.

MJ: It is usually sudtle but there always seems to be one mixed in.

Malia: I will go ahead and file the letter so have it for the future.

MJ: Are you filing it because there is a dig in it? Is there one?

Malia: Yes, but it is still a nice thing to receive a letter from the leader of the free world.

MJ: What is the dig? Then file it please.

Malia: “You and I both know the unique skillset you have, whether you were born with it naturally or not, make you one of the most rare and valuable weapons our great nation has in combating the cyber threats we continue to face.”

MJ: I just want to say that hypothetically speaking, I may possibly have been the chief architect of the world’s most powerful cyber weapon before Dr. Frincke implanted me with the neural implant that kept me alive and made me smarter.

Malia: I know baby, but you gotta know that it is not easy for people to understand/comprehend your unique life, even POTUS.

MJ: I don’t really care about the letter. I do care what you think. Do you love me more or less since the implant?

MJ: And I’m on my 3rd implant at this point.

Malia: I loved you before and after. It’s like Dr. Frincke originally said about it- “It’s a prosthetic the same as a leg or arm prosthetic.

MJ: I wouldn’t be alive without it. I would still be able to do things without it.

Malia: Well, not exactly. You would likely be paralyzed.

MJ: I meant if I wouldn’t have had the subdural hematoma rupture, etc.

Malia: I know. I saw it with my own eyes. Don’t let this positive make you feel negative. It’s all good baby.

MJ: I love you Malia. Every day I am reminded of how much I love you and why.

Malia: Have you ever heard me say, I love your brain implant device?

MJ: No

Malia: That’s because I love you, whether you have a bci implant or not. But, for the record, I used to beat your ass in Scrabble before Dr. Frincke upgraded your brain power with the implant.

MJ: My memory is slightly different than yours on that, but I’ll let you have that one because I love so much.

Malia: I’m actually not kidding. I found old game points tallies. I won 3 times and you won twice. I found the post brain surgery/bci implant, Bethesda Scrabble game tallies. You won all either 7 or 8 games.

MJ: The truth is I don’t want to be seen as a cheater like Lance Armstrong and have all of my accomplishments taken away. I earned my rewards and awards!

Malia: Every single person with knowledge of the amazing things you have done and achieved, even Ashhole as you used to call him, know you deserve all of the accolades you have already received and will receive in the future.

MJ: 🙂

MJ: I will be home tonight. I have new “MJ The Terrible” wear clothing line designs to show you.

Malia: Is my design gonna be one of the designs that gets turned into one of the shirts that gets sold?

MJ: Yes. They loved that. I do to.

Malia: I gotta run. We miss you Daddy!

MJ: By my love/loves. See y’all tonight.

Russia Invades Ukraine –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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