Personal Life

Let’s Play What Is Brittany Thinking About In This Picture…..

Brittany White - Dubs - Lioness Sunglasses Looking Down Picture

This random picture of my former court appointed supervisor, and my family’s current head of security, Brittany White, aka “Dubs”, led to some funny comments from people who know her.

I thought it was funny how they all pretty much thought the exact same thing. I did too.

Chris Hubbard: I hate Chris and MJ. They always tease me about having a penis. Well, I don’t have penis! I have a mangina. It makes me kind of like a man, but I can pee in the women’s bathroom.

Marcus Jennings: I was that assholes court appointed supervisor for years and I still have to take care of him. There would be no “MJ The Terrible” without me. I am the man! I mean woman. You know what I mean. I am a woman damn it! I am. I swear!

Tarica Patel Hubbard: What is MJ going to do today to piss me off? I can’t it anymore! Ahhh!!!!

Big J. Kosta: I see you taking a picture of me MJ. I see everything! I am the one and only Dubs, and you better never forget it!

Kevin: How the fuck did Mr. Stuxnet, Mr. Almost World War 3 starter, Mr. MJ The Terrible himself, become an American hero and land Malia? This world is so unfair! That lucky bastard!

Kristi Jennings aka Kristi Ihaveonenamelikemadonnabitch: Yeah. I’m Brittany White. My nicknames are The Lioness and Dubs. I kicked MJ the Terrible’s ass. I’m a badass!

Matthew McConaughey: I’ve got my hair up in a bun of fury and I have my Terminator 2 sunglasses on. You better not start shit today MJ!

Matthew McConaughey: I popped over to see my boy on lockdown today, Mr Bigtime Chris Hubbard. Momma Johnson makes the rowdiest chocolate chip cookies! I ate about 4, 5, or 15 of them while I was there. After I left, I came back around the corner to get a doggie bag to take home with me. Your 92 year old Grandmother thought I was Burt Reynolds, but I ain’t mad at cha Grandmother The Terrible. Keep on ventilating along with your bad self. I miss ya MJ. Thanks for letting us stay at your condo in dt ATX. The view is amazing at sunset and sunrise. Give me a shout. Let’s try to hang out soon.

Pete Dowdle (Mr. Pete): How was I safer as a CIA field agent on dangerous missions than I am guarding 1 friggin man? Nothing ever happened to me when I was a CIA field agent. Guarding MJ, I have been stabbed, I had to fight an anaconda, I had to fight MJ, and lots of other stuff too. This is bull shit!

Lebron James: Brittany. That’s my girl right there. I remember movie night at MJ’s crib with Brittany, Malia, and MJ. It was fun. But on the real though, I think Brittany is thinking sweet thoughts, about kicking MJ’s skinny white ass. Much love White Mike Johnson!!

Eric Fanning: We need a Royce City rematch. I will beat MJ’s ass in the rematch too. Dubs will remain undefeated!

Malia: I feel bad for Brittany. Everyone is teasing her. I think she was probably thinking good thoughts.

Brittany White (Dubs): I don’t know what I was thinking about then, but now I am thinking y’all can kiss my ass. I know you wouldn’t tease me if you didn’t care. I look at y’all like family. I know you feel the same deep down.

MJ: Brittany, you are right. I tease. We tease. But in all seriousness, I trust you with my life and more importantly the lives of Malia and our babies. You might, and I’m saying “might” have a penis, but we absolutely love you either way no matter what!

P.S. We really do care about you. Like you said, we’re family. Me Familia la Brittannia!!!

Anything Goes Q&A With Brittany White –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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