Personal Life

Lebron James Comes To Visit His Akron Friend Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Lebron James - Akron Ohio Photo

Does MJ know Lebron James? They are the same age, and both grew up in Akron at the same time. Trey Jenkins Cleveland, OH

Malia: Yes. MJ said Lebron went to St. V and he went to Garfield, but yes, they were friends growing up together in Akron.

He came over to our house to hangout in 2016, when his team was playing the Washington Wizards. Lebron calls MJ “White Mike Johnson”.

This is what I remember most from when he came over to hang out.

MJ and Lebron were in the kitchen. MJ was standing by the island in the kitchen. Lebron opened the kitchen door to grab a beer, and did this spin move around MJ to shoot the twist top of the bottle into the trash. Lebron bumped into MJ. MJ pushed him and said – “Detroit Pistons basketball.” The Detroit Pistons played really rough basketball back in the day. I think they referred to themselves as the “Bad Boys”. Anyway, Lebron missed the trash can. He looked at me and said, “Call the foul referee Malia.” I said “Foul on the sexy player wearing the gray and black Army shirt. Then MJ said “Ref, #1 you are beautiful. And #2, Lebron wants you to call the foul because he can’t handle playing tough basketball.”

You could tell they were being playful with each other. Lebron is a lot taller than MJ and probably weighs twice as much. He is also one of the best basketball players ever.

Lebron said “Fuck you Bill Laimbeer! I’m from Akron mother fucker! You best back off before you get hurt.” (Bill Laimbeer was a player on the Detroit Pistons Bad Boy team.)

MJ said, “I’m from Akron to bitch!”

Then they talked about how Lebron used to come over to MJ’s parents’ house and they would wrestle in the basement.

MJ said – “Let’s wrestle how we used to back in the day.”

I tried to talk them out of it because MJ was barely out of the hospital. He was really skinny, and he was still bald with the scar on the back of his head showing still.

MJ insisted on it. Lebron tried to talk MJ out of it too. He could tell “White Mike Johnson” wasn’t at his best. We were unsuccessful. We couldn’t talk MJ out of it. MJ walked over to the gym to get ready to wrestle. Lebron had to use the restroom. I waited outside the restroom to tell Lebron to be gentle with MJ because any jerking motion or if he hit his head, could kill MJ. Lebron said- Mike is one tough ass white boy but I got this. I explained how just walking around the house with him today was the most physical activity MJ had done since he was released from the hospital. Lebron said “I am going to let MJ take me down and then tell him I better not wrestle anymore because I don’t want to get hurt and not be able to do my job. When I do that, have my back, and then we’ll go watch a movie or something.” I agreed.

MJ was leaning against a piece of workout equipment with his eyes closed when Lebron and I walked in. I could tell he was struggling to even stand up, but because his longtime friend came over, he was trying to show him a good time.

MJ said, “Are you ready you big bastard?”

Lebron said “I’m Black Andre The Giant. I’m going to take you out Hulk Hogan The Terrible”.

MJ let go of the piece of equipment he was leaning against and almost fell down on the floor. He managed to make it out to where Lebron was. I said “Take it easy guys. Ding. Ding.”

MJ took maybe a step and started to fall forward. Lebron moved up a lot so that MJ would land on him and he could fall down with MJ on top of him. Lebron signaled/whispered to me to come count to 3 as the referee. I counted to 3, and Lebron said “You got me White Mike Johnson. You got me.”

MJ couldn’t get up and get off of Lebron. He said “I can’t move. I need to lay down.” Lebron rolled MJ over so that MJ was laying on the mat. Lebron asked me what to do. Lebron and I walked over to the guest house where Brittany, MJ’s bodyguard/former Court Appointed Supervisor was living. We asked her what she thought would be best. I was ready to call MJ’s doctor, Doctor Frincke, but if she found out MJ was wrestling with Lebron, she would have killed both of them. Brittany and Lebron carried MJ to the couch inside. I ordered pizza for us for dinner. Brittany went and got sleeping bags for Lebron, me and for herself. She said “Do y’all want to sleep in here in the living room with MJ, and have a slumber party?”

Lebron laughed and said “Don’t forget the chick flicks. We gotta watch some good chick flicks.”

We did watch one chick flick that night, but mostly movies everyone would like. MJ slept the whole time. He didn’t move off the couch. The next morning Lebron got up early to use the gym. Then he said goodbye to Brittany and me. Then he walked over to MJ who was still sleeping on the couch. He got down on his knees and put his head up against MJ’s and said- “I love you White Mike Johnson. You my boy. We will always be boys. Akron for life. See you next time my white negro.” That was it. He took off to go to practice.

What kind of friend is Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson? –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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