Personal Life

It’s Bang O’clock Somewhere!

MJ The Terrible 1987 Pontiac Firebird Formula Gift Collage

Text messages between Malia and I yesterday, on President’s Day. I will definitely remember this President’s Day! Sincerely, MJ

MJ: This is FOTY. Do you come in MILF? Over.

Malia: What does FOTY stand for? Is MILF Mom I’d Like to F@$k? Over.

MJ: FOTY- Father of The Year (at our country club anyway) and yes on MILF.

Malia: Is it bang o’clock?

MJ: It’s bang o’clock somewhere.

Malia: I am so happy. You have me bouncing around this house. I skipped baby! I literally skipped down the hall this morning like a giddy schoolgirl
I’m so happy.

MJ: But the question is, is your vagina happy?

Malia: Yes! It is smiling from hip to hip.

MJ: Is that the vagina reference for smiling from ear to ear?

Malia: Yep!

MJ: It’s weird right, because this is such a crazy time in the world. How are we so happy at one of the most uncertain times in modern history?

Malia: We are really lucky I guess. Our home is our happy safe haven. Our house is filled with love.

MJ: And our bedroom is filled with passion?

Malia: It needs some passion right meeeoooowwwww!!!

MJ: Then #bohica

Malia: #?

MJ: #bendoverhereitcomesagain

Malia: ##it

MJ: #youhave2hashtagstogether

Malia: #poundit

MJ: #poundit?

Malia: #myvagina

MJ: #poundyourvagina?

Malia: #unhuh

MJ: #iloveyou and #ilustyou and #whenigetthatfeelingineedyoursexualhealing

Malia: #youarethebesthusbandever and #ifiamlivinginadreamrightnowineverwanttowakeup

MJ: #canyoucometothegarage?

Malia: #why?

MJ: #iwanttodotheonethingihaveneverdoneintheblackcar

Malia: #isthe1987pontiacfirebirdformulayouhadwhenyouwereakidthatwetrackeddownandboughtforyouyourfavoritegiftever?

MJ: #thatisalonghashtagandyes

Malia: #iamhappyigettodotheonethinginthatcaryouhaventdonewithanyoneelse

MJ: #metoo and #itisfunnyhowwhenyouarewith”theone”howthingsjustseemtocometogether

Malia: #iknewbelievinginyouwhenyouhadnothingwastherightdecision and #andidontmeanbecauseyouarenowtherichestpersonintheindustryyouworkin

MJ: #awomansloyaltyistestedwhenhermanhasnothing and #amansloyaltyistestedwhenhehaseverything

Malia: #happiestgirlever and #382012forever

MJ: #happiestguyever and #ditto382012forever

Malia: #2minutewarningandillbetherebaby

MJ: #thegroundskeepersarenotcomingtodayandneedtogetinthegarageright?

Malia: #theycomeonwednesdayssowearegoodtogo and #theydontgointhedetachedgaragetheygointheattachedgarage

MJ: #thankyouforindulginginmyfantasieswithme

Malia: #idonthavemykeyswithmeunlockthedoor and #itisfreezingcoldwaitingoutsideinthecold

MJ: #icanseeyouandsorry

Malia: #nomorewordsorhashtagsneededletschristentheblackcar

We Hope You Love Your Special Gift Baby…..

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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