Personal Life

Bitter Exwife Syndrome Exposed

Masters of Money LLC - Finger Pointing Graphic

Note: 6,7, or 8 is the 6th, 7th, or 8th divorce lawyer MJ’s exwife Gotye had.

AG: The initials of MJ’s divorce lawyer.

AG: Hi.

6, 7, or 8: Hi.

AG: I’m glad we could finally talk.

6, 7, or 8: Me too. I’m worried about him.

AG: Him who?

6, 7, or 8: Your client.

AG: Why?

6, 7, or 8: My client is scared to death and rightfully so.

AG: Wait, are you inferring my client did something wrong?

6, 7, or 8: Well, yes, his actions are strange. He says some pretty strange things on his company’s blogs.

AG: He is a writer. He only has one personal social media page and it’s private. Only friends and family can be on it. It is soooo cute. I wish you could see it, but friends and real family only.

6, 7, or 8: Aren’t you worried about him?

AG: I look at his real life social media page everyday. He is enjoying charity work, and spending time with his friends and family that he hasn’t gotten to see in years. His business is booming as well. Is there something I should be worried about?

6, 7, or 8: Yeah, his violent streak.

AG: What violent streak?

6, 7, or 8: The one he writes about on his blogs!

AG: He does that for fun. “Controversy creates cash”. “If it bleeds it leads”. The more controversial, the more money he makes and some people love it. Millions of them.

6, 7, or 8: Well my client keeps complaining about it.

AG: Okay……

6, 7, or 8: My client complained about something else before which they had a right to complain about, and I know your client took that down. Why not this?

AG: Well, your client did change their mind how many times? I mean come on!

6, 7, or 8: I know. Hey, how do you get your client to stop calling you 24/7.

AG: My client doesn’t.

6, 7, or 8: Why not?

AG: Because my client is living his life.

6, 7, or 8: Well, will your client take down his blogs for my client?

AG: Why?

6, 7, or 8: Look, I get it. Your client is trying to live their life, and follows the agreements that were set out, but my client wants to complain about your clients business to.

AG: But your client has no right to. The other thing was a joint item. This, your client has no rights. Less than zero. My client could write whatever he wants. Why do you believe your client deserves the right to have a say on something they don’t own?

6, 7, or 8: I don’t but he looks so happy on the sites and he is living the dream life. Can’t you see how that would bother my client?

AG: Take it down out of jealousy?

6, 7, or 8: Yes.

AG: Do you actually hear what your saying?

6, 7, or 8: I know my client keeps complaining and doing dirty shit even after the legal actions are over, but my client is miserable. This just gives my client something to do ok?

AG: Well, I would be careful with attacking my client right now.

6, 7, or 8: Why?

AG: The frame job. Duh.

6, 7, or 8: What frame job?

AG: Well my client after what I told him about the thing your client said his phone number was attached to, but my client had his hard drive checked and third party verified, to prove he didn’t hack shit. The more my client thought about it, he eventually realized the phone number supposedly behind it, that was “associated” with the attack, was not the one our clients actually communicate through. So, it is kind of funny how the numbers seemed to get confused, and the whole “associated” to his number thing, and well you claim his business number is associated with the attack and now your client is attacking my clients business….Do you see how that might look a little weird, and my client said something to the effect of, “AG, lets sue to get all of the parties involveds computers into the hands of a trusted third party right now, because if I am being set up, and if this bull shit hurts my you know what, I will sue from now until kingdom come!” Strange why my client would be so willing to share their computer to a third party for verification if they did something wrong. Huh? What about yours?

6, 7, or 8: Uhm, I’ll ask.

AG: My client set up another phone for reasons like this one. You see, if my clients business phone and personal phone are different…..that is kind of interesting isn’t it how one phone number which is personal makes sense if they were trying to potentially hack something, but not my clients business number, which strangely your client is also attacking at the moment. Huh, I will try to get my client not to sue, but this is like the 4th time “after” your client has had no right at all to say anything about my clients life at all anymore, that your client has attacked my client, and he is feeling frightened……and rightfully so?

6, 7, or 8: Really?

AG: I’m not trying to point any fingers here, but my guy didn’t do it. I might look in a different place, like maybe a little more “inhouse” if you will, and god forbid someone who might have access to another person’s contacts, found out that it was not my client, but hers, well, what if “MJ The Terrible”, wasn’t so terrible after all

6, 7, or 8? What then……

6, 7, or 8: Oh no. Really?

AG: All he wants is to do what he agreed to do. I would encourage your client to do what they agreed to, and stop attacking my client.

6, 7, or 8: But he writes a blog!

AG: Exactly!!!!

6, 7 or 8: I’ll talk to my client.

AG: I’ll try to get mine not to sue yours.

6, 7, or 8: Please do. I apologize. Shit! I had no idea.

AG: No promises, but I would get your client to knock this shit off immediately. It’s not fair.

6, 7, or 8: I’m glad we had this talk.

AG: Bye

6, 7, or 8: Your client has ruined the psychiatric care of my client.

AG: How?

6, 7, or 8: By hacking her.

AG: Uhm, I believe your client mailed a bull shit propaganda package to my clients psychiatrist, and attempted to ruin his psychiatric care first, after the legal proceedings were finalized. Did you know about that? And, all my client wants is to find out who hacked that person, and ruined “her” psychiatric care as well. Doesn’t everyone? My client is interested in finding out who did it also. My client had an idea. How about all of the parties involved turn their computers over to a trusted 3rd party, that we can all agree on, and then, and this one is really important to my client, that the results of who who did the “hack”, gets shared with all of the parties. What do you say? Let’s keep it open and honest. Deal?

6, 7, or 8: No, I will have to check with 5 or 6 or 7, one that came before me. I’ll look into it. That’s a lot of calls. Give me a while. About the giving the computers over to the third party thing, I’m afraid we are not interested on doing that.

AG: Why? Doesn’t my client get the chance to prove he is innocent? Oh, let me guess, did one of the parties “lose” their computer, or was did your client all of a sudden “get a new one”? Strange. I don’t know why that seems so fishy to me. It’s almost like the real “document” type of information doesn’t seem to make it’s way into evidence.

6, 7, or 8: My client isn’t capable of planning something like that.

AG: Something like what?

6, 7, or 8: Anything like that.

AG: My client walked out into the garage and found hand written letters your client wrote that talked about how your client was setting up my client for years behind my clients back.

6, 7, or 8: I get it. Wanna trade clients, because I can’t take it anymore.

AG: Not a chance in hell. That mess is all yours to deal with.

6, 7, or 8: Am I really number 6, 7, or 8?

AG: Yes

6, 7, or 8: The trade offer is still on the table.

AG: And it is going to stay there.

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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