My husband MJ told me he was going to order a bane mask to wear as his Coronavirus mask.
I remembered who Bane was, because the Dark Knight Batman movie was one of the first movies we went to together.
MJ sent me a text this afternoon letting me know his Coronavirus mask came in the mail today, and he was excited to show it to me.
I guess I forgot what a Bane mask looks like, because when I saw MJ wearing his new Bane Coronavirus mask when he got home today…..It scared the you know out of me!!!
I asked MJ why he didn’t want to wear a Batman mask, and he said “Batman’s mask doesn’t cover his mouth. Batman is done for. Covid is going to get him.”
This is me taking a picture as I move in to kiss my husband “Bane The Terrible”.
First You Argue Then You Make Up –