
ABC Energy’s Project Selection Process

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Right now, with oil over $100 a barrel everyone wants to drill everywhere they can to try to become the next John D. Rockefeller. That strategy is a recipe for failure unless you are just lucky. It’s like buying into the dot com craze of the late 1990’s. It’s a bubble!

After 50 years in business we have learned what works and what doesn’t. We put each project we participate in through such an intense scrutinizing process, so we only participate in the best of the best projects available with the highest odds of success. Once you have read through our step by step process below, I think you will be able to see why we have been in business for over 50 years and maintain the highest rating the Better Business Bureau gives.

Below you will see the step by step process we go through to pick the projects we participate in.

1. Pre-screening
We look at anywhere from 100-300 different projects a year and eliminate any project that doesn’t meet our strict standards.

2. Proven Partners
Any project we participate on must have proven partners. Why? Because if someone has had a proven track record of success in the past, it is very reasonable to assume they will be able to do it again in the future.

3. Proven Fields
The best place to drill for oil is where it is already being found. If you can highlight an area of a producing field that has not been drilled yet, the odds are good you will find oil. That is why we focus the majority of our efforts on these types of opportunities. It takes more time to find projects like this, but we have found it is well worth the wait!

4. State Records
Proven Fields bring with them traceable results. After a well/field has been in production for a while the results must be released to the state. Those results/records can then be used to create remaining field reserve estimates based on what has happened in the surrounding area. If you can find a field where there is estimated to be a significant amount of oil remaining, you should have yourself an oil well!

Being able to do comparison work on other projects similar to yours in the same area is invaluable. If something has been done in a field before with less science and experience than you bring to the table, odds are good you should be able to create a repeatable result.

5. 3D Seismic Science
Brilliant scientists have developed over years of trial and error a process for finding oil that has revolutionized the oil industry. It’s called 3D seismic. Simply put, 3D seismic is high tech underground mapping that can highlight oil and gas before you drill. It’s not a perfect science that guarantees a winner every time but what it does do is increase your odds for success dramatically.

6. Estimated Economic Returns
We look for projects with huge upside potential and very little downside risk. The bigger the potential return the better because you have to be almost completely wrong to lose. Projects that offer potential returns in the neighborhood of 5 to 10 times your money back over time are what we look for. Bottom line- The bigger the target, the easier it is to hit!

7. Independent Reviews
Before we participate on any project, we always have an independent third-party geologist review the project, who gets paid the same amount of money whether he likes the deal or hates the deal.

Important notes:
What is proven to work overtime is the Warren Buffett strategy for success. One of Warren Buffets favorite quotes is “Value investing never goes out of style!” and we agree. To be successful in any business you have to take calculated risks using what has been proven to work overtime.  

We only participate in a handful of projects per year. Is our well selection process too cautious? Maybe. Does it mean we miss a few good deals here and there? Yes, but it also means most of the time we should be in the right place at the right time to create a win-win for ABC Energy and our investors.

About ABC Energy Company

ABC Energy Company is an acquisitions company based in Dallas, Texas, with over 50 years of energy industry experience, that specializes in buying undervalued oil and gas investment properties, with accredited individual and institutional investors.

The corporate office is located at 123 Oil and Gas Blvd., Dallas, TX 12345. Our specialty is participating in lower risk, tax favorable oil and natural gas field development and exploratory drilling programs.

ABC Energy Company is typically able to participate alongside large public companies drilling in productive areas where additional reserves are likely to be discovered. After 50 years of energy industry experience, we have learned what works and what does not. Following this disciplined pre-screening approach, which includes utilization of 3D seismic technology, detailed field analysis, state record searches, working with the right oil well drilling companies, independent third party reviews and partnering with proven industry leaders, provides the highest odds for success.

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About Masters of Money, LLC.

Masters of Money, LLC., was founded by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson, to create and sell how to information, to people looking for ways to make and save money.

The goal of Masters of Money: Provide the tools, resources, and strategies, to help anyone who wants to be more successful, create the life of their dreams.

Masters of Money’s products and services list:

Opt in email marketing – Online advertising – Social media marketing – Content creation – Content marketing – Internet marketing – Public relations campaigns – Web design – Direct response marketing – Copywriting – Company and / or product branding campaigns – Fundraising – Lead generation – Company and / or product launches – Business consulting – Partnering for profits campaigns – Blogging – Content library development – Content library maximization marketing – Multi-channel marketing creation and consultation – Ghostwriting – Ebook creation – Company continuity programs – Ezine creation – Ezine marketing – Digital newsletter creation – Digital newsletter marketing – Content trading – Information brokering – Company and / or product endorsements – Guest blogging – Business opportunity offers – Create and sell making and saving money strategies and information

Company contact information:

Masters of Money, LLC.
1401 Lavaca St.
Austin, TX 78701
Phone #: (512) 297-3535
Email: [email protected]

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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