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500 Things To Blog About by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

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500 Things To Blog About by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson:

A weblog, or “blog” is a website that publishes articles known as posts or entries, written by an individual or group. The term “blogging” refers to the act of authoring or adding an article to an existing blog. The term “blogger” refers to a person or a group who maintains a blog. A blogger can blog about a virtually endless number of things for fun and to make money.

The following is a list of 500 possible things/topics to blog about:

1. Money
2. Finance
3. Stocks
4. Bonds
5. Investments
6. Your thoughts
7. Your feelings
8. Life in general
9. Freedom of speech
10. The seasons of the year
11. The ocean
12. Abortion
13. Obligations
14. Reparations
15. Mindset
16. Self-help,
17. Water parks
18. Skiing
19. NBA
20. NFL
21. MLB
22. NCAA sports
23. WWE wrestling
24. Chess
25. Checkers
26. Making love
27. Love
28. Hate
29. Marriage
30. Divorce
31. Relationships
32. Hookups
33. Hookup culture
34. Falling in love
35. Falling out of love
36. Persuasion
37. Influence
38. Social media
39. Crypto currency/Bitcoin
40. Topography
41. Shape shifters
42. Public policy
43. Artificial intelligence
44. Christianity
45. Stuxnet
46. World War 1
47. World War 2
48. The war on poverty
49. The war on drugs
50. Aviation
51. Self-awareness
52 Good deeds
53. Good
54. Evil
55. Sin
56. Books
57. Gifts
58. Grammar
59. Elvis
60. Religion
61. Pets
62. Animals
63. Your kids
64. Parenting
65. Skateboarding
66. Cooking
67. Sports
68. The military
69. History
70. Education
71. Teaching
72. Patriotism
73. Comedy
74. Witches
75. Celebrity gossip
76. Game-changers
77. Doctors
78. Lawyers
79. Relevance
80. Sharing
81. Value
82. Preferences
83. Shopping
84. Commodity futures
85. Welfare
86. Equality
87. Equity
88. Nationalities
89. Division
90. Unity,
91. Dancing
92. Acting
93. Public speaking
94. Robots
95. Toys
96. Nanotech
97. Biotech
98. Software
99. Hardware
100. Daydreaming
101. Human behavior
102. Mind control
103. Rock and roll music
104. Rap music
105. Country music
106. Country living
107. The past
108. The present
109. The future
110. Philanthropy
111. Cancer research
112. Atrocities
113. Scientific research
114. Scientific breakthroughs
115. War
116. Peace
117. Peace keeping
118. Agriculture
119. Fast food
120. Bullying
121. Anti-bullying
122. Chance/luck
123. The lottery
124. Gambling
125. Gaming
126. Wine
127. Problems
128. Solutions
129. Forms of government
130. World government
131. The Illuminati
132. Sports cars
133. Luxury cars
134. Traveling
135. Hotels
136. Casinos
137. Heroes
138. Villains
139. Symbolism
140. Prize fighters
141. Freedom fighters
142. Guns
143. Civil rights
144. Terrorism
145. Sickness
146. Hope
147. Strategies
148. Ghosts
149. Fantasy
150. Cosplay
151. Hair
152. Wish lists
153. Dream boards
154. Multi-level marketing
155. Wealth
156. Poverty
157. Childbirth
158. Women
159. Men
160. Dieting
161. Attraction
162. Martial arts
163. Documentaries
164. The Law of Attraction
165. Current affairs
166. Feminism
167. MGTOW
168. Red pill topics
169. Your worries
170. Your regrets
171. Your friends
172. Friendship
173. Your family
174. One-night stands
175. The love of your life
176. Experimental science
177. Conspiracy theories
178. Star Wars
179. Cigars
180. Sex
181. Lifestyle choices
182. School
183. Love
184. Comebacks
185. Movies
186. Tv shows
187. Hollywood
188. Bollywood
189. Your country
190. Your state
191. Your city
192. Your neighborhood
193. Your language
194. A language you want to learn
195. Fitness
196. Your personal journey
197. Fiction
198. Anime
199. Novels
200. Toys
201. Collectibles
202. Clubs
203. Culture
204. Companies
205. Technology
206. Hacking
207. Cracking
208. Sales
209. Marketing
210. Internet start ups
211. Architecture
212. Events
213. Diseases
214. Disorders
215. Dinosaurs
216. Habits
217. Hobbies
218. Biology
219. Chemistry
220. The food chain
221. Choices
222. Routines
223. Products
224. Services
225. Real estate
226. Taxes
227. Other blogs
228. Other websites
229. Psychology
230. Quantum psychics
231. Photography
232. JFK
233. RFK
234. MLK
235. LBJ
236. Doris Day
237. Homeless veterans
238. Marilyn Monroe
239. Sexism
240. Plagiarism
241. “ism’s”,
242. The good ole days
243. Stigmas
244. Enigmas
245. Phobias
246. Outliers
247. Liars
249. Traditions
251. Contradictions
252. Little known facts
253. Adventures
254. Dentistry
255. Medical treatments
256. Vitamins and supplements
257. Lucky breaks
258. Devastating defeats
259. Math
260. FOREX
261. Romance
262. Bromance
263. Action figures
264. Meditation
265. Mindfulness
266. National parks
267. The 7 wonders of the world
268. Miracles
269. The one that got away
270. Mistakes
271. Civil liberties
272. “MJ The Terrible”
278. The justice system
279. Historical figures
280. Memories
281. Nightmares
282. Righting wrongs
283. Social media
284. The media
285. Home remedies
286. Stay at home moms
287. Finding a job
288. Retirement
289. Financial planning
290. Life and death
291. Scientology
292. Plastic surgery
293. Traditional marriage
294. Same sex marriage
295. Polygamy
296. Domestic violence
297. Gay pride
298. Apartheid
299. Heaven
300. Hell
301. Cologne
302. Perfume
303. Yoga
304. Modeling
305. Foreign currencies
306. Candy
307. Desserts
308. Gardening
309. Revolutions
310. Music
311. Bands
312. Your band
313. Goals
314. Survival
315. Erections
316. Self-talk
317. Loneliness
318. Assassinations
319. Superstitions
320. Pride
321. Prejudice
322. Happiness
323. Sadness
324. Beliefs
325. Analogies
326. Anagrams
327. The meaning of life
328. Life after death
329. Cartoons
330. Foreign films
331. Art
332. Time travel
333. Fairness
334. Online activities
335. Offline activities
336. Passions
337. Race
338. Genocide
339. International trade
340. Aristocracy
341. Birth control
342. Reproductive rights
343. Invitro fertilization
344. Having babies
345. Making babies
346. Raising kids
347. Being a single mom
348. Being a single dad
349. Your job
349. Jobs
350. Your career
351. Career choices
352. Second chances
353. Living and learning
354. Debt
355. Finance
356. Magazines
357. Retail stores
358. Newsletters
359. Niches
360. Micro-niches
361. Politics
362. Policies
363. Feast
364. Famine
365. Pandemics
366. Epidemics
367. Who, him, them, that, what, where, when, why, how
368. Crisis
369. Astrology
370. Numerology
371. The state of something
372. Untold stories
373. Family history
374. Royal families
375. Thinking
376. Feelings
377. Connection
378. Meaning
379. Belonging
380. Addiction
381. Before and after experiences
382. Weightless
383. Fat shaming
384. The classics
385. Compare events and experiences
386. Compare periods of time
387. Games
388. Video games
389. Artists
390. Bucket lists
391. Innovation
392. Masturbation
393. Fetishes
394. Fruits and vegetables
395. Emotions
396. Logic
397. Personality types
398. Sales
399. Making a living
400. Organisms
401. The time/times of your life
402. Divorce
403. Loyalty
404. Affairs
405. Good decisions
406. Bad decisions
407. Senses
408. Causes and effects
409. Fashion
410. Biotechnology
411. Farming
412. Drugs
413. Life hacks
414. How to information
415. Give advice
416. Share stories
417. Share the news
418. Give your perspective on a topic or event
419. The weather and/or weather patterns
420. Outer space
421. Aliens
422. Zombies
423. Junk
424. Hoarding
425. Idols
426. American Idol
427. The Golden Girls
428. Stripper
429. OnlyFans
430. Sex work
431. Pornography
432. Voting
433. Polling
434. Younger generations
435. Older generations
436. Aging
437. Anti-aging
438. Wakeup
439. Coffee
440. Lingerie
441. Charts
442. Patterns
443. The end of the world
444. World peace
445. Natural disasters
446. Anomalies
447. The solar system
448. Chemicals
449. Bugs
450. Swimming
451. Homes
452. Apartments
453. Condos
454. The next big thing
455. Fads
456. Action figures
457. Dolls
458. Shopping malls
459. Getting married
460. Weddings
461. Car repair
462. Exotic cars
463. Restoring cars
464. Boats
465. Yachts
466. Planes
467. Trains
468. Gold
469. Silver
470. Oil/fossil fuels
471. Alternative energy
472. Fate
473. Clubs
474. Time
475. Coincidences
476. The finer things in life
477. Starvation
478. Fame
479. Glory
480. Myths
481. Statistics
482. The migratory path of birds,
483. Nature
484. Green peace
485. Historic places
486. Facts
487. Famous figures
488. Historical events
489. Historical figures
490. Literature
491. Free speech
492. Off roading
493. Monster trucks
494. Global warming
495. Diversity Equity and Inclusion
496. Project 2025
497. Restaurants
498. Scrap booking
499. Hunting
500. UFC

What Having Your Own Blog Can Do For You Financially –

Yours in Success,

Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

P.S. Believe in yourself!

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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