Personal Life

The Zombie Bedroom Controversy

Zombie Bedroom Makeover Picture

Malia: Wanna play hangman?

MJ: Like where you guess the letters to figure out words and what not?

Malia: Yep!

MJ: Ok. I’m stuck on what I’m working on anyway. 

Malia: Ok. Here we go. _   _ _ _ _  _ _  _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _! It’s something I want to do. Pick a letter. 


Malia: That works.  _   _ _ _ _   _ _   _ U _ _   _ _ U _   _ _ _ _!

MJ: C 

Malia: You got another one.  _   _ _ _ _   _ _   _ U C _   _ _ U _  C _ _ _!


Malia: You meant O. Good job baby. You got another one.  _   _ _ _ _   _ O   _ U C _   _ O U _  C O _ _!

MJ: I wrote a B. Not an O. 

Malia: Good job! You got another one. You picked a K.  _   _ _ _ _   _ O   _ U C K   _ O U _  C O C K!

MJ:  I pick 9

Malia: Yay! Another one! You picked an A. You’re on a roll!  _   _ A _ _   _ O   _ U C K   _ O U _  C O C K!


Malia: Uh huh.  _   W A _ _   _ O   _ U C K   _ O U _  C O C K!


Malia: Uh huh! I  W A _ _   _ O   _ U C K   _ O U _  C O C K!

MJ: I love you! I figured it out but I’m being feisty. Uhm…Q

Malia: An N! Perfect! I  W A N _  _ O   _ U C K   _ O U _  C O C K!

MJ: $

Malia: Yep! An S works. I  W A N _  _ O  S U C K   _ O U _  C O C K!


Malia: You got it. There are 2 T’s. I  W A N T  T O  S U C K   _ O U _  C O C K!

MJ: Hmmm! Let me see. I’m going to guess #

Malia: Baby! You must be cheating or something, because you are getting everything right! There is a Y.  I  W A N T  T O  S U C K  Y O U _  C O C K!

MJ: I friggin love this game! I’m going to guess &

Malia: Awesome baby!! R is the final letter.  I  W A N T  T O  S U C K  Y O U R  C O C K! 

MJ: Is the next answer the bedroom?

Malia: Yes, but which bedroom?

MJ: Ours, right? 

Malia: No. I want to show you the makeover I did on one of the bedrooms. 

MJ: Cool. Can’t wait to see it. The zombie bedroom or the tile one?

Malia: Ugh! The zombie bedroom. Are you going to call it that forever? I put a rug over the “Zombie Z” with the weird what looks like faces on it. I want our house to look good baby, and I like decorating. 

MJ: I won’t call it the zombie bedroom if you don’t want me to. Everybody calls it that, so I do to. 

Malia: You called it the Zombie bedroom, and then everyone else started calling it that. 

MJ: I’m sure it looks great. Are you ready for me to come check it out now? 

Malia: Yes. Just know that if you call it the Zombie bedroom still, after you have seen the room makeover, you will not be getting the awesome bj I have planned for you. 

MJ: I’m sure I’ll love the bedroom makeover. I’ll be over as soon as this document gets done scanning. 

Malia: What bedroom are you coming to check out?

MJ: The zombie one, right? 

Malia: I knew it! You called it the Zombie bedroom!!

MJ: Well, in my mind it’s still the zombie bedroom. I was going to come up with a new nickname when I saw how you redid it. 

Malia: So what bedroom are you about to come check out?

MJ: The second bedroom on the left on the second floor. 

Malia: Yep. I’ll be waiting. 

MJ: What bedroom will you be waiting in?

Malia: You thought I was going to quick reply by accident the Zombie bedroom, didn’t you?

MJ: Yeah

Malia: I’m on to your evil but kinda cute at the same time ways Michael David Johnson!

MJ: I love you, and I genuinely do appreciate the time and effort you put into making our house, our home. 

Malia: 🙂 

Ashhole Change Memories & Peace –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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