When you need to accomplish something, remember the name “Will Resourceful”. Have the “Will” to see it through, and be “Resourceful” enough to get the job done. “No matter what people tell you, you can make a comeback from anything. I am living proof of that. I am a just a regular guy, who almost died, had to learn how…
Tag: “Will Resourceful”
Improvise Adapt and Overcome Motivation
No one has all of the answers. Some people are good at sports. Some people are good with people. Some people are naturally intelligent, but no one has all of the answers. That said, we all can look for the answers in our lives. That is an ability we all have. When you need to accomplish something, remember the name…
Fact: You Will Either Find A Way or You Will Find An __________?
You Will Either Find A Way or You Will Find An ___________? The answer to the fill in the blank is “Excuse”, but I can assure you, that is the only question that an “Excuse” is the answer for. Be the person who finds a way. Don’t be the person who finds an excuse. If something happens to you, get…
The Principal Of 100 No’s Sales Exercise
The Principal Of 100 No’s Sales Exercise: Cross off one no every time a prospect says no to you on a close. I bet you can’t get to 100 no’s. Someone will say yes to you eventually, even if you are new to sales and have very little sales training. Let’s say the first time you try this you get…