My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Saggie Maggie Edition by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “I don’t have to see your balls to know they are brass. A man being a man. The way it should be.” Saggie Maggie “I think a smile is the most beautiful thing a person can wear.” Saggie Maggie “If you only want…
Tag: What kind of friend is Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Protected: Chris and MJ University of Akron College Pictures and Videos (2001 – 2004)
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What kind of friend is Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson?
Your birthday…….He’s not remembering it. Anniversaries……..He’s not remembering it. Being unbelievably late to everything but you know he will always show up………That’s MJ. When the world is taking a dump on you, and you need someone who will drop everything they’re doing to be there for you……..That’s MJ. Need to bury a dead body in your trunk at 3 o’clock…