We Love You MJ The Terrible Giant Wall Poster Being Hung Up On Building Wall Photo
Business, Personal Life

Notable Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Quotes

Notable Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Quotes: “Don’t argue about generalities, when someone is talking specifics.” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Founder & Owner – Masters of Money, LLC. “Dreams can be had. Goals can be achieved. Questions can be answered. Be open to opportunities!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Founder & Owner – Masters of Money, LLC.…

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Stacks of One Hundred Dollar Bills Picture
Business, Personal Life

One of The Biggest Myths Known To Mankind- “Money isn’t important.”

One of The Biggest Myths Known To Mankind- “Money isn’t important.” Tell this myth to the family who’s starving right now, or to the family who needs money for some serious medical issue, and they will tell you how important money is. We have all been conditioned to believe that money is not important, or that wanting money is wrong,…

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