Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Train Ride Photo
Personal Life

Love and Relationships

No matter what someone says about someone or something in your life, if the person or thing makes you happy, and adds to your life, feel free to completely ignore whatever it was that the person said. Odds are the person saying it doesn’t understand the situation, doesn’t want to understand the situation, or is a hater/negative person anyway. I…

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Malia and MJ Hand In Hand Artwork Photo
Personal Life

“Exactly how I feel about Malia in my deepest darkest thoughts with no sugar coating and no filter”

Baby, You have asked me countless times to try to describe exactly how I feel about you in my deepest darkest thoughts, with no sugar coating and no filter. I know you know I love you with forever love, but I guess I have never told you “exactly how I feel about you in my deepest darkest thoughts, with no…

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