Hello and welcome. This may or may not be your first course or self-help tape. The others normally have music in this spot however we’ve saved the space for the good stuff. As you place this tape in your tape player you and I will enter into a business relationship and, as in any business relationship, we each assume responsibilities…
Tag: Sales
Expert Tips To Get More Traffic For Your Website Or Blog
Expert Tips To Get More Traffic For Your Website Or Blog: All too often a website/blog doesn’t get traffic/visitors simply because the website owner/blogger doesn’t spend much time trying to promote the website/blog, to grow the amount of traffic/visitors, to the website/blog. What is constantly not realized is that even if the action taken is not perfect, some action is…
3 Ways You Can Use Your Website Or Blog To Make Money
There are several ways you can make money with your website/blog. Here are 3 of the more popular ways to make money with a website/blog: 1. Sell your own products and services. 2. Affiliate programs. 3. Place Google AdSense ads on your website/blog and earn money whenever someone clicks on an ad on your website/blog. The 1st and 2nd ways…
The Ultimate Blueprint For Making Cash Anywhere Buying Real Estate Notes (Masters of Money)
Do you want to become a real estate note investor? Start by doing your homework. This book will guide through how to set up your own note buyer brand. Learn all of the things to avoid and the marketing techniques the pros use to build long-term income. A lot of very successful mortgage note investors started out as note brokers,…
Understanding How Search Engines Effect Public Relations (PR)
Understanding How Search Engines Effect Public Relations (PR): When it comes to public relations, the driving philosophy that underlies even the most minute aspect of a campaign is that perception equals reality. This is as true as ever in the Interactive Age because anyone with Internet access can voice his or her opinion on the internet. Internet users now can…
59 Different Ways To Make Money On The Internet
There are virtually endless ways to make money on the internet. In fact, more and more people are turning to internet based income opportunities/businesses, to make a living. Here are “59 Different Ways To Make Money On The Internet” 1. You could sell resell rights to products. 2. You can trade/broker advertising space. 3. You can promote private label products.…
6 Powerful Ways To Make Money Writing An Article On The Internet
Would you like to know a winning formula on how to make money on the internet from writing articles? Here is how to do it: Write an article, create 4 or 5 versions of it, and sell it for use to others in your same profession/niche market. This formula can be used in any industry. Let’s say you are a…
The Principal Of 100 No’s Sales Exercise
The Principal Of 100 No’s Sales Exercise: Cross off one no every time a prospect says no to you on a close. I bet you can’t get to 100 no’s. Someone will say yes to you eventually, even if you are new to sales and have very little sales training. Let’s say the first time you try this you get…
5 Important Laws of Online Wealth Building
When the internet first started, few could ever imagine how far reaching its effects will be more than a decade down the line. It’s a fact of life now that the internet will continue to change virtually every aspect of our everyday life. As the world’s internet population keeps expanding, so does the opportunities for entrepreneurs and ordinary folk looking…
How To Monetize Your Blog To Make A Large Monthly Income Using Google AdSense
Do you have a blog or several blogs? If you do, did you know that you can make money from your blog/blogs? If you are already making money from your blog/blogs, do you want to know how you can make even more money than you are right now? Many of you are probably aware of Google’s AdSense money making program.…