123 Of The Most Powerful Words That You Can Use To Increase Your Sales: Certain words have the ability to get attention and/or move people to action. Think about what words you use to describe something, and/or the words that you use to try to motivate your customers/potential customers, to buy from you. Do you use common words that don’t…
Tag: Sales
The Money & Wealth Learning Process
What have you learned about money? Where did you learn about money or wealth? Let’s touch on the issue of our basic educational institutions, the schools, where we learn about the facts of life. What subjects are covered in school? Language arts, mathematics, science, history, and social studies, among others are all important for us to study to blend ourselves…
How To Grow Your Social Media Following by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
How To Grow Your Social Media Following by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: If you are promoting a product, service, public figure, personality, business, organization, or you are trying to raise awareness for something that you believe in, the internet/social media, can be a game changer! Here are 11 ways to grow your social media following quickly: 1. Follow all…
3 Key Elements That Make An Ad Successful
When was the last time you bought a car? Did you really “need” a new car? I mean really “need” a new car? Chances are the one you were driving was still running when you bought the car you have now. Yep, Americans rarely buy because they need something. They buy because they want to experience the feeling that comes…
The Entrepreneur Quick Start Guide
The Entrepreneur Quick Start Guide Step One: Mindset Matters How important is mindset? Some would argue that this is the most important tool that an entrepreneur has at his or her disposal. That’s because no matter what kind of business you’re in, whether you succeed or not has nothing to do with luck, is not dependent upon the skills you…
Joe Kinlaw’s Superstar Sales Training Audio Book Disc 5 (Transcript)
Are you ready to learn how to close the sale? Let me make a few comments before we begin this section on closing the sale. Some of the authors out there, actually many of them; they say that if you’re unsuccessful during a close, if you don’t make the sale, well that’s not really a measure of your worth. Well,…
Joe Kinlaw’s Superstar Sales Training Audio Book Disc 4 (Transcript)
Also, a little known information source are the states in which you do business. State Agencies require permits for a myriad of things. Normally, permits are filed by the company anticipating a project well before the bidding process begins to supply the contracts for the project. A review of this public information will give you insight into what types of…
Joe Kinlaw’s Superstar Sales Training Audio Book Disc 3 (Transcript)
Okay, I’m back. Now did you hear any empathy on the part of the salesman? Well no. Did you hear the prospect attempting to feel comfortable about the investment? To feel comfortable about the pending purchase? Well, what actually happened, this conversation went on for some time with no improvement. A senior manager of the company contacted this prospect, a…
Joe Kinlaw’s Superstar Sales Training Audio Book Disc 2 (Transcript)
This segment is on confidence. Let’s be confident. Let’s talk about confidence. Confidence is my personal favorite. It is no less important than enthusiasm or empathy as an element of the star seller’s persona; however, confidence has a wonderful ancillary benefit, an ancillary benefit that I have experienced day after day, year after year, and it’s a significant and major…
Joe Kinlaw’s Superstar Sales Training Audio Book Disc 1 (Transcript)
Hello and welcome. This may or may not be your first course or self-help tape. The others normally have music in this spot however we’ve saved the space for the good stuff. As you place this tape in your tape player you and I will enter into a business relationship and, as in any business relationship, we each assume responsibilities…