When markets overreact, investment opportunities arise that under normal market circumstances would not occur. For instance, sometimes stocks across the board in a particular sector will all go down. Certainly not every company in a sector, from blue chips to penny stocks deserves to all go down at once. If an entire sector of stocks goes down, including the high-quality…
Tag: Oil and Gas
How To Protect Yourself Against Oil & Gas Investment Scams
How To Protect Yourself Against Oil & Gas Investment Scams There are a 1001 ways to play the oil and gas market. You have new drilling, rigs, leases, royalty trusts, frac packs, work overs, sidetracks, water flushing, reentries, having your own O&G investment firm and buying royalty interest directly in wells. It is time now to introduce the next great…
How To Pick An Oil & Gas Company To Invest With
How To Pick An Oil & Gas Company To Invest With: 1. Find out how long the company you’re considering working with has been in business. you are going to invest with has been in business. If the company you want to invest with has no proven track record why would you invest your hard earned money with them? If…