Masters of Money Bitter Ex Wife Gotye Graphic
Personal Life

Recent Text Message Conversation Between Gotye (My Practice Wife) and Malia (My Forever Wife)

Gotye: Can you please take down all mj the terrible, team digital death, nerdy black bitch, and masters of money content? Malia: What exactly would you like taken down? It’s Nerdy Black Girl, not Nerdy Black Bitch. Gotye: All of it Malia: As in, you are requesting we take down every blog, post, article, q&a, social media site, website, picture,…

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Malia & MJ Love Collection
Personal Life

Our First Slow Dance

To the angry pissed off beautiful girl in condo PH51 who hates me right now…… Do you remember when we were completely lost, driving around in the middle of nowhere south Texas, and we ended up pulling over at that country dance hall? There was only one place to sit, and it was right in front of the stage. When…

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