Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Black and White Romantic Kiss Selfie
Personal Life

Body Consent?

Malia: We had sex last night when you were unconscious. MJ: Was I any good? Malia: Good enough. MJ: Cool. Malia: You consented. MJ: How could I if I was unconscious? Malia: Your body said you were ready. MJ: My body consented? You should be a lawyer babe. Malia: Your mind didn’t need to consent, because your body did. MJ:…

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Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Close Up Kiss Picture
Personal Life

“50 Shades of Terrible”…..right meow please

Malia: Take the “Mother fucking” hint MJ- Malia: “50 Shades of Terrible”…..right meow please MJ: Perfect timing! He just left. Malia: I just watched the movie. I’m in the mood. MJ: 50 Shades Preggo edition…..coming right up! Do you want to be James Bond and get the girl or what? –