Malia Johnson Sexy Bra Mirror Photo Selfie
Personal Life

My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

“We just fucking broke the bed. No wait, we just broke the bed fucking. After we do it some more, remind me to get a sturdier bed. Something tells me we’re going to need it.” Malia May Johnson (My wife, best friend, lover, mother of my children(I love you too CJ), nurse, doctor, confidant, my right hand wo-man, and just…

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Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson New Twin Babies Natalie Marie Johnson and Michael Christian Johnson Picture
Personal Life

Meet Our New Twin Babies!

World, meet Natalie Marie Johnson, and Michael Christian Johnson. Natalie Marie Johnson, and Michael Christian Johnson, meet the world. We have some funny/crazy stories about what all happened before, during, and after their births, which we will be happy to share later, but for now, we are just enjoying finally being able to share the good news with y’all. Thank…

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