Malia and Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson 3 Kisses Love Photo Collage
Personal Life

Malia and MJ’s Relationship “Firsts” Posts

MJ, We have had some amazing “Firsts” in our relationship. I went through all of the “Firsts” posts about our relationship that we have done and made a post out of them. I hope you enjoy MJ and I’s “Firsts” posts. Sincerely, Malia The First Conversation Malia and I Ever Had by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Our First…

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Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Down Selfie Kiss Photo
Personal Life

Malia’s I Love You MJ Confession Voicemail Recording and Malia and MJ’s 1st and Only Break Up Story

Malia I Love You MJ Confession Voicemail Recording and Malia and MJ’s 1st and Only Break Up Story: – Beginning of transcript – Malia: Hey, I just needed to call and tell you something. Uhm, I’m sorry I didn’t trust you like earlier than now, but uhm, I really like, can’t go any longer without telling you the trust. Uhm.…

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Malia May Johnson at Alamo Draft House Movie Theater In Austin Texas Selfie
Personal Life

Anything Goes Q&A’s with Malia Compilation

Malia has done 7 anything goes q&a’s. The topics covered include tattoos, romance, MJ The Terrible stories, greatest fears, making babies, having babies, Stuxnet, plastic surgery, anal sex, oral sex, foreplay, fist fights, favorite moments, an inside look at Malia and MJ’s Bethesda Maryland home, MJ being in the hospital stories, race, gender, friendships, betrayal, superstitions, an inside look at…

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