Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Newborn Twin Babies Elizabeth Grace Johnson and Cash Michael Johnson Photo
Personal Life

Important Events on August 2nd In History

Important Events on August 2nd In History: 1914: German occupation of Luxembourg during World War I began. 1916: Austria causes the sinking of the Italian battleship Leonardo da Vinci in Taranto (World War I). 1918: The first general strike in Canada’s history takes place in the city of Vancouver. 1923: Vice President Calvin Coolidge becomes U.S. President upon the death…

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Malia and MJ Son Cash Michael Johnson Photo
Personal Life

Hi Daddy I love You Message

Malia: Hi Daddy. It’s me Cash. I love you and I hope you are having fun with my big brother this weekend. MJ: I love you Malia. Thank you for being so flexible with things, and for being so sweet. Daddy loves you and thinks about you all the time Cash. I’ll see you on Monday big guy!