Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Looking Down at Malia with Crazy Eyes Photo
Business, Making Money, Personal Life, Saving Money, Self-Help, Social Media

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 141 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 141 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “It’s nice when friends have friends, and those friends are friends.” Gay Dave/Trans Dave “Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Objection! Irrelevant. Your honor, please instruct…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Mediaset and Masters of Money LLC Logo Collage
Business, Health & Fitness, Investing, Marketing, Personal Life, Sales, Self-Help, Social Media

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 134 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 134 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “It was brought to my attention your lovely wife was quoted as saying- “You should tell them, be like, I built this shit. I run this shit. But I do like y’all so you can have a piece of it. Ten percent for eighty…

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