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Personal Life

Back & Forth Texts Between Malia & “MJ The Terrible” From The First Time “MJ The Terrible” Met Malia’s Friends

Dubs- Head of security for our family. Malia- Wife of Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Dubs: Thank you for helping me search the archives Dubs. These are the back and forth texts between MJ and I, from the first time he met my friends. And every single one of them are still our friends to this day>>> Malia: Is something…

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Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Acquaintances and Connections Photo Collage
Personal Life

What You Know and Who You Know

Comment: Damn “MJ The Terrible”. I thought I was connected because I knew the mayor of my city. I followed you on LinkedIn and I looked through your connections. You got the Presidents doctor, the head of the Department of Homeland Security, CIA classified dudes and shit. You even got the director of the Department of Transportation. You one scary…

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