Masters of Money LLC Screensaver Picture Collage

Recent Company Reviews

Recent Masters of Money LLC and Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Comments and Reviews:   “My team and I from Intel Corporation recently went to Masters of Money’s offices to pitch them our new office suite business package. I drove separately from my team because I was running late due to my daughter being sick.  After the meeting, in Masters…

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Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Amazing Husband and Father Black and White Collage
Personal Life

You’ve Got To Stand For Something or You’ll Fall For Anything by Malia May Johnson

Dedicated to my loving husband (with some side notes for explanation and perspective purposes). MJ, I was born in South Africa, and I lived in South Africa until I graduated secondary school (high school) and came to America to go to college. Most of my family still lives in South Africa.  I had a very happy childhood. I am proud…

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MJTheTerrible Stuxnet Graphic
Personal Life

Stuxnet Related Hate Mail and Conspiracy Theories Addressed

Stuxnet Related Hate Mail and Conspiracy Theories Addressed To be clear- I DID NOT ALMOST START WORLD WAR III ON PURPOSE! And if you don’t believe me, wait until the government releases the official records/documents, and you can read it for yourself! Hypothetically Speaking #1. If I was/am the Chief Architect of Stuxnet, the world’s largest and most destructive computer…

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