Malia: I was going to save this real life/cartoon kiss collage until our anniversary on March 8th, but I am so frickin in love with you!! I couldn’t wait!! I hope you like it! When you asked me to marry you on the bridge at Rock Creek Tributary, the best decision of my life was saying YES! Michael David Johnson,…
Tag: Chris Hubbard
The Formula To Make “MJ The Terrible” Nervous
Chris(MJ2): If anyone wants to know how to make MJ nervous, I’ve got the formula. You put a famous musician MJ kissed or slept with or whatever on the day he met Malia, in a hotel room, inside the hotel his ex-wife used to work at, where the air went out, and everybody is hot and uncomfortable, with his current…
The Only Time In My Life I Was Ok With Being Lied To
Malia: If you could talk to me right now, what would you say? MJ: Is this some kind of a joke? You are supposed to be dead. Malia: Do you want me dead? MJ: No. MJ: This has to be a joke. My wife was tragically killed in a car accident on January 14th. Malia: Do you miss me? MJ:…
To My Angel In Heaven
Malia, I miss you so much it hurts. I can barely function. I promise I will do my best, but you were/are my world. You can’t be replaced. You were my everything. You took care of everything and made it look easy. I can barely microwave macaroni. If roles were reversed, and you were here, and I wasn’t, I am…
Dear “People who care about me the most” (1 of 2)
Dear “People who care about me the most”, I have received and read your letter. I am honoring your wishes, by not posting your letter publicly, about why you don’t think it’s a good idea for me to see my son this weekend, but I respectfully disagree. I will admit that I feel empty inside, I can’t sleep, I can’t…
The Whole 2 MJ’s Thing Can Get Interesting Sometimes
Thank you for making the impossible possible Chris(MJ2). You see, every 12 years in Texas, you have to physically go into the drivers license office to renew your license. In 2005, I was 5′-10″ In 2017, I am now 6′-00″ I grew 2 inches over the last 12 years. And here I thought I was done growing? I had to…
Question: If Malia and MJ broke up, who would give in first to get back together?
Question: If Malia and MJ broke up, who would give in first to get back together? Malia or MJ? If possible, could a lot of different people who are close to MJ and Malia answer my question? Love you guys! Bethany Mackenzie Los Angeles, CA Answers: All 5 Team Digital Death members were unanimous: MJ would give in first. Kevin:…
Legal Disclaimer Gone Wrong
It’s that time again. It’s legal disclaimer time. Masters of Money, LLC. Legal Disclaimer: The characters, stories, images, videos, facts, and/or details, found in Masters of Money and “MJ The Terrible” story lines, may or may not be real events (interrupted text) Marcus: Oh, I get it. I’m not real because I’m black. MJ: I don’t give a shit if…
Postpartum Depression Prank On MJ
MJ: You guys sure as shit better show me some love after the stunt yall pulled on me at the hospital, when the twins were born. These shit heads(that I love), set me up good after Malia gave birth to the twins. My ex-wife had scary postpartum depression, and the knuckle heads who did the MJ love posts today, had…
How MJ The Terrible’s Subdural Hematoma Ruptured
Chris (MJ2): I don’t know if this is MJ love, but I’m sorry MJ. On Vday 2015 when MJ’s subdural hematoma ruptured, I was the cause of it, not MJ’s little boy. I thought MJ was sleeping with my girlfriend at the time, the one referred to as Dubs on here. I found out later he wasn’t, but the damage…