“There are 2 ways to have more money. You can either cut back on expenses, or you can make more money, and option #2 is definitely the better option.” Dan Denefe “Some days just suck, and there is nothing you can do about it, that day. It’s a good thing most days aren’t like that. Most days are totally up…
Tag: Celebrity quotes
Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson Quotes (Newly Updated)
“Dreams can be had. Goals can be achieved. Questions can be answered. Be open to opportunities!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Founder & Owner – Masters of Money, LLC. “When you need to accomplish something, remember the name “Will Resourceful”. Have the “Will” to see it through, and be “Resourceful” enough to get the job done.” Michael “MJ The…
The Ultimate Motivational Picture Quotes Compilation Volume #9
We hope the following picture quote collections will motivate you to take action, stay focused, believe in yourself, and be your best self! Don’t quit! Adjust, adapt, and overcome! – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1695664177218732.1073741892.969934346458389&type=1&l=cf93de7e1a YOU CAN MAKE IT THROUGH ANYTHING! – https://plus.google.com/+MastersofMoney/posts/TXn3tiisKxv Mjtheterrible.com Picture Quotes Collection – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1067210256759605.1073741853.666142743533027&type=1&l=8a271b216c Monday Motivation Picture Quotes Collection – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.316841355518192.1073741906.146478772554452&type=1&l=cfb1e3fc1b Mjtheterrible.com – Rule Your World Strategies! – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.314625615739766.1073741905.146478772554452&type=1&l=7ee315b10b Find out what you want……and…
The Ultimate Motivational Picture Quotes Compilation Volume #8
Sometimes we all need a little motivation. Hopefully the following picture quite collections, will provide you with the motivation you need, to stay focused, and keep you moving towards your goals. GO GET WHAT YOU WANT! – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.312760795926248.1073741903.146478772554452&type=1&l=ff4b7ae62c YOU CAN MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1685653651553118.1073741887.969934346458389&type=1&l=8a196a4d9f You Can Do It! Keep Going! – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1065089420305022.1073741852.666142743533027&type=1&l=ebbc689850 Famous Movie Quote Pictures Collection 7 – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1686793184772498.1073741888.969934346458389&type=1&l=c5262307f9 Sunday…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I know Volume 7 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
“They say you can’t have it all, but then again, they say a lot of things that are complete bull shit. What do they know anyway?” Marcus Jennings (One of my closest friends, a member of “MJ The Terrible” & Team Digital Death, and a business partner) “Remember the time, when we couldn’t remember that one time? Man, we had…
The Ultimate Motivational Picture Quotes Compilation Volume #7
There is greatness inside of all of us. We hope the following picture quote compilations, will help inspire you to be your best self. Enjoy! Anything Is Possible Picture Quote Collection – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.167175657151430.1073741830.146478772554452&type=1&l=e26ae12140 Wealth, Luxury, and Success Pictures Collection – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.233118003890528.1073741854.146478772554452&type=1&l=05920161fa The “Badass” Picture Quotes Collection – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1060394857441145.1073741851.666142743533027&type=1&l=990ce42a1f WHATEVER YOU ARE GOING THROUGH- YOU CAN MAKE IT! – https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.236644360204559.1073741858.146478772554452&type=1&l=b8483cc3fc Masters of Money Business Motivation…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 6 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
“Our imagination is there to be used. In our imagination, we can be and do anything. What is in our imagination, is the key to our happiness.” Gene Rockefeller (My newest friend, and an absolutely brilliant person) “Don’t be that person that make excuses, and don’t be afraid to try, because as it turns out, some of the people that…
The Ultimate Motivational Picture Quotes Compilation Volume #6
Quotes have the power to be able to inspire us, increase our self confidence, to get started on something we have been putting off, improve our health, improve our wealth, and more! We hope the following picture quote compilations inspire you! “With limited resources and burning desire, you can turn shit into gold!” Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson – Founder…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 5 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
“If people underestimate you, it makes you stronger. It gives you an advantage.” Marcus Jennings (One of my closest friends, a member of “MJ The Terrible” &Team Digital Death, and a business partner) “A person is limited only by their imagination, so dream it, do it, build it, be it, and YOLO!” Kristi IhaveonenamelikeMadonnabitch (A friend since college, and the…
150 Short Motivational Videos From Michael Jordan, Warren Buffett, Jay-Z, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Will Smith, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Sylvester Stallone, Eminem, Shia Labeouf, Steve Harvey, Joel Osteen, and more!
150 Short Motivational Videos From Michael Jordan Warren Buffett Jay-Z Steve Jobs Mark Zuckerberg Elon Musk Will Smith Bill Gates Oprah Winfrey Sylvester Stallone Eminem Shia Labeouf Steve Harvey Joel Osteen and more! A lot of things matter, but we each decide what we want to make important in our lives. Most people will never take a chance and/or follow…