Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Walking and Hugging Cartoon Graphic
Personal Life


Malia: Baby, I love you too much to let you go. If I can’t have you nobody can. MJ: Sounds reasonable. Malia: Promise me you will never leave me. MJ: I promise I will never leave you. I am the happiest man on planet earth most days my love. Malia: What about Jolene? MJ: Who? Malia: Jolene! MJ: I don’t…

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Malia and MJ at Soul Food Baltimore Maryland Restaurant
Personal Life

“White Mike Johnson” and “Princess Malia” Go To an Akron Friends and Family Soul Food Reunion In Baltimore

MJ grew up in Akron, Ohio. One of the nicknames for Akron is “Crackron”, because it has some scary parts to it. One of MJ’s friends he grew up with in Akron moved to Baltimore, which is about a half an hour away from where we live in Bethesda. MJ told me about his friend (Terrell), who moved to Baltimore,…

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Walter Reed Military Medical Center Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Haircut Shave and Mental Health Assessment Collage
Personal Life

Mental Health Assessment for Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

Mental Health Assessment for Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: MJ recently went to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to participate in Dr. Deborah Frincke’s neurological trauma recovery and development research study. While MJ was at Walter Reed for Dr. Frincke’s study, he also got a haircut and a shave. MJ suffered a subdural hematoma rupture on 2/14/2015. He went…

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The Adventures of "MJ The Terrible" Silver Background Mock Movie Poster
Personal Life

Malia Gets Jealous of The Actress Playing Her in The Adventures of “MJ The Terrible” Movie

Note- The name of the actress referenced in the following text message conversation was removed for privacy/legal reasons. Malia: I am beside myself! I can’t eat. I can’t even fucking think clearly after seeing that movie star slut all over you! Malia: I can’t believe how she didn’t give a shit that I was standing right there! Malia: I thought…

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Oprah Winfrey Barack Obama Selena Gomez Snoop Dogg Mila Kunis Lana Del Rey George Lucas Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Masters of Money LLC Photo Collage
Business, Personal Life

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Compilation 1 of 5 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Compilation 1 of 5 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “C’est la vie. When in Rome. Carpe Diem. Life is short. You only live once. They all mean the same thing. Live your life because you only get one life to live.” Selena Gomez “People love people who stand up after they…

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