Personal Life

Scott Hall Tribute

Former professional wrestling legend Scott Hall, also known as “The Bad Guy”, Razor Ramon, passed away at a hospital in Marietta, Georgia, due to complications from hip replacement surgery and 3 heart attacks. He was 63 years old. He was a good dude and “The Bad Guy”, at the same time. Scott Hall had serious personal issues that would be…

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Business, Personal Life

Happy Women’s Day

International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the economic, political, and social achievements of women, took place for the first time on March 8th, 1911. Many countries around the world celebrate the holiday with demonstrations, educational initiatives, and customs such as presenting women with gifts and flowers. The United Nations has sponsored International Women’s Day since 1975. When adopting its…

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Personal Life

MJ The Guinea Pig

Malia: Baby we need you to be our Guinea pig. My friend that you nicknamed Buttons the first time you met her and her husband are having relationship problems. She came over crying a little while ago. She wants to save her marriage. Will you help us? MJ: Sure. What can I do? Malia: We have some questions that we…

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