Malia Butt Photos Collage
Personal Life

The Psychology of Quickies

MJ: Quickies are the exception to every rule about delayed gratification, putting in the time to achieve what you, etc.  Malia: Well, yeah, sort of. MJ: I can see the wheels turning in your head even though I can’t physically see you right now. Philosophize me babe. Malia: Guys get quickies (instant gratification), because they put in the time to…

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Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Cyber King Logo Embossed on Book Cover
Business, Personal Life

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 79 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson

My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 79 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson “We get what we deserve in life. No better, no worse.” Lakshmi Devi “Do it all innovators are some pretty damn special people. I highly respect each and every one of them.” Jeff Dachis “You can’t apply conventional wisdom to brilliant minds. Holding back the…

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Finger Pointing At MJ Photo Collage
Personal Life

This Is A Kidnapping

Malia: Is this you Mr. Johnson….. MJ: Yes Malia: Mr. Johnson, this is a kidnapping. I have kidnapped your children. If you want to see them again you will do exactly as I say. Do you understand? MJ: I do. I see my children playing in their playroom with their nanny. Malia: That is an optical illusion. If you don’t…

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