Michael MJ The Terrible Johnson Masters of Money LLC Poster Photo
Business, Personal Life

Q&A With Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson (September 2017)

Question #1. Question/request: What is your daily billing rate? I heard you are expensive but worth it. We have a problem that requires the best. Our problem is in network security. I will provide additional details when we speak. Everyone I have spoken to recommended you. We don’t know each other, but I am willing to provide you with references,…

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Pancakes and Cheetos Sexologist Post Photo Collage

Malia Talks With A Sexologist

Question: My question is for Malia. I am a sexologist. I can’t see you but I bet you laughed like everyone else does when I tell them what my profession is. I am currently studying the smell of men’s “goo”, if you will. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing what MJ THE TERRIBLE’s you know, stuff smells like?…

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