MJ: I want you to know something. Malia: What do you want me to know? MJ: I would drive to the moon with you. Would you drive to the moon with me? Malia: Yes I would! I Googled how long it would take to drive to the moon if it was actually possible to drive to the moon. At 55…
The Time Value of Money Explained
Life is about decisions, whether they relate to your work, business or personal life. Often ignored is the interplay between all these areas, and the fact that a little interdisciplinary thinking can go a long way. This might sound obtuse, but many important decisions can be made easier by thinking simply, and a bit differently. Before we do, a note…
My Favorite Quotes From My Friend Billionaire Entrepreneur and Visionary Jeff Dachis by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From My Friend Billionaire Entrepreneur and Visionary Jeff Dachis by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “My goal in life when I was going through puberty was to own the fastest street legal production car ever. Fast forward to modern day, and I own it! I don’t know how to pronounce the name of it correctly, but here…
My Favorite Malia May Johnson Sexy Hot Quotes 9 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
Warning: If you are not 18 years of age or older, do not read this post, because these quotes are definitely meant for adults only! “I am going to be wrapping my legs around you a lot very very soon. Bedroom Quarantine Day is October 20th!” Malia May Johnson “I made a strip club songs playlist to baby making practice…
Poke Her Face and Bedroom Quarantine Day
MJ: I can hear you singing. Are you dancing and singing? Can I come watch your concert? Malia: You can hear me singing from inside MJIA? MJ: I was sitting outside on the steps. You were singing the oral sex song. Malia: What oral sex song? MJ: “Poke Her Face” by Lady Gaga I think. Malia: You and song lyrics…
The Money & Wealth Learning Process
What have you learned about money? Where did you learn about money or wealth? Let’s touch on the issue of our basic educational institutions, the schools, where we learn about the facts of life. What subjects are covered in school? Language arts, mathematics, science, history, and social studies, among others are all important for us to study to blend ourselves…
To Pull Out or Not To Pull Out? That Is My Question.
Malia: Do you remember this picture? MJ: Yes Malia: Do you remember what you said to me after you took that picture and sat down next to me? MJ: I do. I said- “Baby, you have the sexiest legs I have ever seen. It is hard to watch the game when all I can think about is you wrapping those…
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 59 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson
My Favorite Quotes From People That I Know Volume 59 by Michael “MJ The Terrible” Johnson: “Don’t get confused. There are badass gays out there. Gay is a sexual preference. Badass is a personality preference.” Eric Fanning “I ain’t gonna complain. I like fat asses and trucks, and the world is filled with both.” Colton Pierce “Always be building your…
6 Websites Every Entrepreneur and Professional Should Know About
6 Websites Every Businessperson and Entrepreneur Should Know About: 1. https://problogger.com/ ProBlogger has been a home for bloggers wanting to create and grow their blogs since 2004. Their website has over 8,000 posts with tips, advice, news, and trends about blogs and blogging. 2.. https://www.inc.com/ Inc.com is a powerful source of information and resources for business professionals and business owners. 3. https://www.businessinsider.com/ Business…