Personal Life

Malia’s I Love You MJ Confession Voicemail Recording and Malia and MJ’s 1st and Only Break Up Story

Malia and Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson Down Selfie Kiss Photo

Malia I Love You MJ Confession Voicemail Recording and Malia and MJ’s 1st and Only Break Up Story:

– Beginning of transcript –

Malia: Hey, I just needed to call and tell you something. Uhm, I’m sorry I didn’t trust you like earlier than now, but uhm, I really like, can’t go any longer without telling you the trust. Uhm. I’m pretty fucking much in love with you. And I can’t see myself with anyone else. Don’t want to see myself with anyone else. Ain’t gonna be with anyone else. Uhm. I just love the shit out of you, and I just saw a hotdog trailer that I would really like to eat at this weekend with you. Uhm, but yeah, I just haven’t; I’m sorry I was a bitch and went 2 or 3 weeks pretending that my future doesn’t involve you, because it definitely does, and I love you to the moon and back. Bye!

– End of transcript –

Malia I love you MJ Confession Voicemail Recording

Malia note- MJ and I have been together for 9 years. During our 9 years together, there was only one time we broke up. It wasn’t exactly a breakup. It was more of a shut down. Me shutting down. Here is what happened. Right after I told MJ we were pregnant, for some reason, I just shut down completely. I didn’t leave my condo in downtown Austin for probably 2 or 3 weeks. I don’t know what it was. It was like an out of body experience almost. MJ was calling me, and texting me, and emailing me, and he sent me flowers, and I completely ignored him.

Mr. Fanning, Brittany, and MJ’s mom came to talk with me after I disappeared on MJ. Mr. Fanning, MJ’s mentor/longtime friend/second father almost, flew from Washington D.C. to Austin. Brittany White (Dubs), MJ’s Court Appointed Supervisor at the time, and MJ’s mom, Jeanne Johnson, all came to my condo to talk to me about why I broke up with MJ after I told him I was pregnant. They told me they were concerned about me and MJ. They also told me they put MJ into protective custody until they could talk to me, because they weren’t sure if MJ tried to threaten me, or did something to scare me, etc. I told them MJ didn’t do anything wrong at all. I told them that this was all me. I told them I love MJ, but I am worried about being pregnant, and MJ not being able to be around to help me take care of our baby. I didn’t know at the time that we were pregnant with twins. They told me as long as MJ complied with the terms of his deal with the government, he would be a free man. Mr. Fanning politely asked if Brittany would wait with MJ’s mom in the hallway for a minute, because he would like to speak with me alone for a few minutes. 

While Brittany and MJ’s mom were waiting in the hallway, here is what Mr. Fanning told me. He said- “Malia, I don’t want you to feel like I am trying to force you to do something that you don’t want to do. However, if you love MJ at all, don’t cut him off right now. He can’t handle life without you at this time in his life. I am afraid if you cut him off, and do not let him be a part of your future child’s life, MJ will not know how to handle himself. He will break his deal with the government, and he will almost certainly never get his freedom back. After you have had time to think things through, please let me know what you decide to do, but MJ is staying in protective custody until I hear from you. I do not believe you want MJ to have to suffer in protective custody when he has done nothing wrong, but I can’t take the risk of him getting angry and deciding to do something stupid. He could take out a power grid or worse. I promise we will give you the time you need. Personally, I believe MJ will be a wonderful father. Please don’t take that away from him. If you don’t want to have a relationship with him, that is your decision, and MJ eventually will be able to live with that. I don’t believe however he can live without being involved in your future child togethers life. We spoke with MJ before we came here this evening. He was upset, but he wasn’t out of control by any means. We told him we were going to go talk to you. He asked if we would please give you this envelope. Here is the envelope. We have not opened it. You can read it or throw it away. I don’t know what it says, but I don’t think he would write you a mean letter. You mean the world to that man.”

I opened the letter in front of Mr. Fanning, and read it. The letter was handwritten by MJ, and it said- “Malia, Please let me know you are ok. I love you! Sincerely, MJ”. Then I handed it to Mr. Fanning to read. After he read it, he handed it back to me. Then he said- “Brittany and 2 Federal Marshals arrested MJ and took him into protective custody 6 days ago. He has been alone. He has had no connection with the outside world. He doesn’t know why he is in protective custody. All of that has happened to him, and all he is worried about is you. Let me know what you decide to do Malia.” Then they left.

After they left, I cried and cried. I was an emotional basket case. I wanted to be with MJ. I needed to be with MJ. I knew no man could ever love me more than MJ, and I knew I would never love another man more than him. Mr. Fanning, Brittany and MJ’s mom left my condo at about 7 pm. I don’t know why, but I called Mr. Fanning at 4 am the next morning and told him I wanted to be with MJ. I asked him how I could get MJ released from custody. He said he has power of attorney over MJ. He would handle it. He said he would have MJ out of protective custody by the weekend. Mr. Fanning and I talked about if something like this happened in the future, and we made a plan just in case it did. He had MJ out of custody by the weekend. Mr. Fanning personally went to get MJ out of custody. The first thing Mr. Fanning did was hand MJ his phone and told him to listen to the voicemail recording on this post. These 2 giant Federal Marshals brought MJ to my condo, and we spent the weekend together making up. MJ and I have been closer than close ever since.

When I Knew I Loved MJ –

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About Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson

Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson, founder of Masters of Money LLC, is a world-famous computer hacker, marketer, entrepreneur, and adventurer. You can say what you want about me but I'm the guy that does the jobs that have to get done. "Don't settle for less than everything you want. Know when to shut up and collect the money. It's better to get paid than be right. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it can afford you the time to find happiness. Without a challenge, you can't rise to anything. Pick your battles. Push your limits. Ask for more. Demand better. Eliminate should from your life by doing. Live a life without regrets, by trying everything that interests you in the least, and don't waste time, because time is the most valuable commodity in life." Michael "MJ The Terrible" Johnson - Founder & Owner - Masters of Money, LLC.
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